@gaieus said:
Mind if I put a screenshot here what it is about?
Sure! Go right ahead.
Here's how I use them... (Pardon the Snow Leopard glitches with icon resolution in some spots)
@gaieus said:
Mind if I put a screenshot here what it is about?
Sure! Go right ahead.
Here's how I use them... (Pardon the Snow Leopard glitches with icon resolution in some spots)
How do you deal with these enemies?
I have soooo many projects that I've started and never finished. I tend to get 3/4 of the way through and then move onto the next inspiration.
I know it'd be different if I was doing modeling for a living but I'm not.
Anyone else out there have this problem? How do you deal with it?
4 y/o Child using SketchUp and 3DWarehouse on a Portuguese "Classmate PC" ($350 CAD) (http://www.classmatepc.com/)
Enjoys designing Playgrounds and building scenes with Components downloaded from the 3DWarehouse..
Taken in Vancouver, BC Canada Coffee shop.
Didn't even see it hiding here.
Hello from Vancouver
Those trees are awesome. Gonna have to look up this Onyx prog.
I wish SU allowed for LOD placeholders.
This bug is consistent with SketchUp 6.0 (6.4.245).
I open SketchUp,
I close the default new window that opens on launch,
I click "File/Open"
Boom. SketchUp crashes hard and brings up the submit report to Apple dialog.
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000000000001c0
I open SketchUp,
I DO NOT close the default new window that opens on launch,
I click "File/Open"
No crash occurs and I can open a model.
I can then close the default new window with no problems.
Further attempts to use the open dialog reveal no problems.
Bug report that has been sent to Apple is attached.
I made this...
Just thought I'd share.