i've met some of his post by skimming.
and got a picture of what kind of person he was.
i didn't know about this post. now that i found it.
my condolences. rest in peace,
i've met some of his post by skimming.
and got a picture of what kind of person he was.
i didn't know about this post. now that i found it.
my condolences. rest in peace,
thank you for the explanation Gaieus.
i worked for advertising & printing shops before.
used to work with only 2D applications.
i'll try to learn and understand more on that matter.
@gaieus said:
the Z-fighting with this (some time during version 7 as far as I remember).
could you explain what "the Z-fighting" is?
hello everyone,
i found and read a post about texture that wont overlap the surface of other surface on top of it. i found it by skimming. then i forgot where it is. i've been looking for it for two days now. well, not really 48 hours.
the post was about putting a picture, image or texture on a surface of another component or group entity. the texture is not overlapped and stay clear without disturbance of the surface below it.
the last reply of the post was made by Gaieus if i am not mistaken. he put a picture of two person as a texture on a surface of a box with brick material or texture.
that is VERY beautiful
if you don't mind. where is the source of those trees reflection comes from?
since i don't see immediate source above view point if that was mirrored.
well, he probably work for CIA, old KGB and Mossad at the same time
@dave r said:
You need to change the component axis and origin for each of the components so they are in the same relative spot. You can right click on an instance and choose Change Axis. Then click to place the origin and to set the red and green axes.
thank you very much for those links and articles
if you happen to have three buttons mouse, and you click a link with the middle one, you'll open a new tab for the link.
i use mozilla firefox or google chrome though.
sorry if i mistook the question above. what Gai said is right.
those things i mentioned above, are things i did to let those mistake would never happen.
the bookmark manager will work just like windows explorer would do.
just like Gaieus said, you may also just copy and paste (Ctrl C - Ctrl V)
and delete the source later.
there two ways that i know might be worth using.
@chrisglasier said:
Incidentally I just found this Ted Talk about "Duolingo, which will help millions learn a new language while translating the Web quickly and accurately -- all for free."
Very fascinating!
you might also interested using SDL FreeTranslation
@o2bwln said:
Sigh...Move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.
@chris fullmer said:
To me it looks like he changed the layer blending mode to multiply. Which would work on this image because the tree is so dark and the sky is so white.
yes, that's why he did that curve adjustment to change the contrast.
many ways to do that using any selection method available. also by using select color range.
which we can refine a bit faster with feather option.
@davidh said:
Sorry,when I said remove areas not needed,I meant to crop as close as possible to the tree.It dosent matter if there is some white left but by using the multiply blend in photoshop all the white parts disappear.
@dantheman said:
Back on topic.
About abiogenisis, until I see a Ferrari or computer assemble itself out of an explosion in a junk yard, I see no evidence supporting it... However, extrapolating the beak size of finches to humans coming from apes, that is a stretch.
That's all for now.
LOL. i like that.
@o2bwln said:
Oh Krisidious, you poor,silly,ignorant boy. How dare you defend the US. We're nothing but a bunch of capitalist pigs that are greedy,lazy,self-indulgent boors who are unaware of the world around us. We love to attack anything plus we love to rape and pillage the resources of every country that doesn't bend to our will. Sigh, you really need to get your priorities straight.
Of course if you can read this you can thank a teacher, if you can say this in your native tongue you can thank a US soldier, but that's besides the point.
agree on that.
i guess some people may need to read or seek for different angle point of views.
and lucky for those some others who know well and understand what "false flag" operation might means.
cause some capitalist may need all instruments they can get to have more profit from others.
let's say oil for instance.
perhaps you can say something about the application you used to edit the image?
if i look at the screenshot, it looks like PS to me. if i am not mistaken.
i'd like to try this plugin.
i'd like to see if i can draw (or model) a pond near a tent or a house perhaps.
i just love to draw
thank you