RE: AMD Phenom vs Intel Core 2Quad?
@unknownuser said:
I would recommend the AMD. I use SU7 Pro on a Phenom Quad core 9850 that I built (asus mobo). It runs great. You can take the cash you save and put it into a good video card. the video card is probably more critical. And of course, you can never have too much RAM.
I'd second this opinion. I use a Phenom x4 9950 2.6GHz Black Edition along with 8GB of 400Mhz DDR3 RAM on a Gigabyte mobo. The very cool thing about AMD is they have some fantastic tweaking applications like AMD Overdrive and AMD Desktop Fusion that make it VERY easy and simple to tweak your CPU, RAM and if you have an ATI video card, your GPU. You can find out more about them here: http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_overdrive.aspx (check the left side bar).
The money I saved in going to AMD was spent on a Radeon 4870 GPU with 2GB of DDR5 VRAM... The whole setup is totally configurable, tweakable and runs like a charm.
RE: Obama is a BIG hit over here in Europe!
@unknownuser said:
Now, before someone flips out from reading too much into my comment, I'm not saying Obama is Hitler. I'm saying an ideologue will take advantage of a bad situation to further his agenda.
Yeah, you could have just as easily said "Cheney"...
Who says GM can't adapt?
That's cool!
But what I want it one of these: http://www.segway.com/individual/models/x2-golf.php
RE: Obama is a BIG hit over here in Europe!
And let's not forget the topic of this thread: Our European brethren, for the most part, like Obama. Even if it doesn't "fix all the problems" immediately, at least it "opens a door" again for US European foreign relations instead of having it "slammed shut" like it was with Bush...
Problem resolution needs to start with dialog and escalate to trust. The Bush Administration successfully trashed both of those IMO and I hope Obama and his Administration can regain them again.
RE: Obama is a BIG hit over here in Europe!
So, Obama is a "Bad Guy" because he is taking steps to solve the greatest financial crisis seen in America since the Great Depression. Wow. Everyone is so concerned about the "Europeanization" of the US and the loss of "rugged American individualism" that they ignore the "here and now"... meh.
Shucks, Bush only started a unconstitutional war, thumbed his nose at Congress repeatedly and lied to the American Public, among other things... No small wonder he's "keeping his mouth shut" and out of the media limelight these days... Yes, "Gee-Dubb-ya", we all "deserve your silence".
It's getting SO tiresome to read about the villification of Barack Obama. Especially since no one else has stepped up to the plate with anything more than negative rhetoric... I don't hear or read ANY constructive or even rational plans for pulling us out of this economic nosedive from the GOP at all...
What I do read is drivel like this from the GOPs "poster child"...
@unknownuser said:
Palin herself criticized proposed Obama administration cuts proposed to missile defense programs. “I am deeply concerned with North Korea’s development and testing program which has clear potential of impacting Alaska, a sovereign state of the United States, with a potentially nuclear armed warhead,” she said in the statement.
She simply "parrots" whatever the GOP tells her so they can position her as their next Presidential hopeful in 2012. She wouldn't know an fully equipped ICBM from a suppository as far as I'm concerned. Oh please...
RE: Doom & Gloom?
@unknownuser said:
Great advise for those that are not effected by lay offs or looming retrenchment, a moot point for those that really have been effected by this calamity however.
Pretty hard to go back to basics when you find yourself unemployed or even under employed is it? unless he means going back to subsistance farming by 'basics'.No, actually I think it's good advice for everyone. And I doubt he means "subsistence farming"...
Really, how long does anyone think the economic "bubble" can expand before it bursts? You don't get "unlimited growth" without shrinkage somewhere along the line. The "shrinkage" in this case was exacerbated in part by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and over speculative lending practices among other things...
The upside of this is that the whole "system" has come under scrutiny, and the taxpayers and common everyday citizens are now more aware of just how deeply banks are intertwined in all aspects of commerce and the global economy. Hopefully, we'll learn something from this and improve upon it...
Sure, the "Great Recession" totally sucks, and I do feel badly for those who are now unemployed or facing unemployment or other cutbacks. But the system couldn't have continued to function for much longer anyway...
It wasn't a matter of if there was going to be a meltdown, it was when IMO...
RE: Doom & Gloom?
Personally, I think Sir David Tang summed it up best: "What we all need to do is to sit down and calm down and go back to basics. And most important of all, shed our sense of pessimism."
RE: Wood choice
@unknownuser said:
Another project I have on the books is to make a table for my deck. I just cannot bring myself to pay the outrageous amounts those things go for these days. And most of them are junk.
Here ya go: http://www.alibaba.com/product/arshnoor-11241961-10831132/Plywood_Cable_Reel.html
Cheap, available in different sizes, can be finished in a lot of different ways and versatile... Get a large one for the table and 4 or 5 for stools. Throw a seat cushion down on 'em and there ya go!
RE: Game within sketchup
I would think a game similar to Mousetrap or Crazy Machines (1 or 2) would be doable... Lots of fun with SketchyPhysics and one could use Ruby's OO model to advantage in coding the game logic.
Conficker.B worm
It's due to massively propagate on April 1st. Those running an MS OS might want to check their anti-virus is working and up to date. It's a nasty worm to deal with after the fact...
RE: Game within sketchup
@unknownuser said:
Any help would be appreciated, and I also need other components to make a game such as enemies, objectives and stuff.
@unknownuser said:
But no, I really need this. I have found some stuff that I can use, so I wont be needing any help any more.
Sounds like you got exactly what you needed... And now I imagine you'll get a "passing grade" for your ingenuity...
RE: Render Poll
Thx for the info... I'll see what can be done.
RE: Render Poll
I've been using POVray for 10+ years and consider it a very capable renderer.
I'd like to see the developers of the su2pov3 plugin release the source (the current version appears to be compiled). I would like to see if I can add support for the POVray SDL (Scene Description Language) and possibly a texture creation dialog to be called from inside of SU... -
RE: Question about an old machine
I've used CCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/ for quite awhile to keep my HD and registry in order. I highly recommend it, it's free and I've never had it mess up any of the computers I've run it on. You might give it a shot.
Otherwise, it's probably time to format your HD and re-install the OS...
RE: Which Renderer Performs The Best?
Hmm... considering that you've left out a few others, Podium, POVray, Kerkythea, etc... are the two in your poll the only ones you wish to consider?
RE: KT fast start 4Architects (Kerkythea render engine)
Thank you for the wonderful resource majid. I'm moving from POVray to Kerkythea and your guide is helping "smooth out the learning curve".
RE: So close... Xubuntu, SU7 and Kerkythea...
I checked the next evolution of the Xubuntu distro and found it incorporated the newest Intel drivers for my integrated 945 video chipset. So, I did an online update of my installed Xubuntu 8.10 to Jaunty Jackelope 9.04 Alpha 6 and ...
The weird change of color issues are gone! The SU7 rendering screen shows normal colors, shadows and for all appearances is working normally! I still have to disable DRI in the xorg.conf file but again, I don't use any apps that need DRI anyway...
The rest of the applications I have installed also seem to work as well...
So, while I'm still going through the process of loading plugins (all of them that I've installed so far are working properly), I think the SU, Kerkythea and Xubuntu combo will be a success.
RE: So close... Xubuntu, SU7 and Kerkythea...
Thx for the direction Phil... I found the posts from lewiswadsworth and read through them. Some of the issues documented previously appear to be corrected in either WINE or SU7. I think I'll try contacting him directly as you suggest and see if anything new has surfaced (pardon the pun)...