Think I have it fixed and it had something to do with the plugin moldelfuntion?
Not completely sure about that but I uninstalled it and everything's working good again!

RE: Rudy Console Error
RE: Rudy Console Error
Everything acts as it should with the plugin. Once I select a path and paste "extrude_along_path" in the Rudy console the menu pulls up with no errors.
RE: Rudy Console Error
All I'm doing is right clicking on a component with the console open. not trying to execute the plugin or anything.
Rudy Console Error
Error: #<NoMethodError: private method
extrude_along_path' called for nil:NilClass>`Does anyone have any idea what this is and how to fix?
Thanks Kurt -
RE: Exploded solid
Hey Dave this is one of the components that does it. I'm taking the Kreg screws from the 3D Warehouse and making them a solid component.
RE: Exploded solid
Really no need to explode them, I just happen to add it in with something else I was exploding and noticed it and thought it might be a problem down the line somewhere. I tried fixing the problem in the model info statistics but that didn't work. As long as you don't think there is something wrong with the model itself then its fine with me. I just need to be more careful what I explode from now on. Thanks Dave!
Exploded solid
Say I have to explode a piece I have drawn and it's a solid component, why do I lose some of the faces once exploded and have to go back and repair it before I can make it a solid again?
Thank Kurt
RE: Cutting a pitch on a solid
Thanks Dave, I thinks thats the easiest way. I may have been over thinking this a little,its been a very long day.
RE: Cutting a pitch on a solid
I have profile builder so how would that work?
RE: Cutting a pitch on a solid
Thanks for the replies,its just I deal with a lot of different pitches from day to day and thought there may be an easier way to do it or a plugin that would. I've used the angle_de_coupe plugin but its not very precise and I need it to be.I guess I can start an army of pitch components to use.
Thanks again Kurt -
Cutting a pitch on a solid
Is there a easier way to cut a pitch on say a post instead of having to draw another solid and erase that solid from it? Maybe like a pitch tool? I added a drawing if I didn't explain myself too good.
Thanks Kurt
3D Warehouse question
If you download a model from the 3D warehouse and you like it alot but its not drawn to your standards. Would it be ok to redraw it and add it to your own collections? Maybe not so much take credit for the drawing but just use the other person's idea. Would this be stepping on anyone's toes by doing this?
RE: Construction Animator
I was looking for the same thing. I ended up doing a couple like this. They are far from perfect but with my crappy computer and crappier computer skills I think they get the point across. The first one was done with just scenes and sections.
This one was done using the plugin Proper Animation
[flash=500,400:3apd29fb][/flash:3apd29fb]Not sure is this is what you are looking for or not but hope this may can help.
RE: Layers and outliner, scenes and hiding
This may help some as well? -
RE: A little animation using sections
I also wanted to say the plugin Camera Stats I think by Martin Rinehart help a whole lot in keeping the camera where I wanted it in each scene.
RE: A little animation using sections
Yours looks a lot better than mine will ever I believe Gaieus but I have tweaked the video with some of you guys suggestions.
RE: A little animation using sections
Thanks guys, I'm working on some of your suggestions right now.
A little animation using sections
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to make this little animation better? I know I could render it some how but I have no idea how its done! I have downloaded Kerkythea to start with. I was just wondering was there anything anyone thought I could do more short of rendering it?
Thanks Kurt
RE: Tricky Twist
Here is my attempt I tried the same technique as Solo but looks like his came out a lot better!
I was wondering Solo did you twist it all at once or did you do it in segments because I tried doing it all at once and didn't look right.