Hi again i notice my Comment is not showing up in forum is there a problem
(ive posted like 2 post a day ago in threads and it does not appear)
First of all
Im a fan of using keyboard than The buttons toggling
because i find shortcut keys is more fast productive
and im sorry for many questioning if this is answered in other thread
Question 1 :
is it possible to add shorcut key for toggling on/off of snap unit increment in SketchUp?
because going to Model Info Dialog box just to turn off and On is not productive at all
Question 2:
im also looking for toggle Cycle between Wire frame and Solid .. all i find in shortcut is Xray
because sometimes i just want to quickly select Edge lines not the face and i find wireframe is much convenient to use
Question 3:
Is there a Reselect Selection if selection is quickly snap out or mistaken
Question 4:
im looking for Explode All Group that become nested or piled because i had of habit where i nested them and i explode all the way until it return to non group
Question 5: Im looking for this Tool :

In Blender i Loop Cut > Bevel it and it becomes this
In SU typically i just Divide it .. then Redraw the lines and use Knife Tool then create 4 groups of rectangle and place it center line you cut then retrace it again ( knife tool )
but i like quick like the image above cause sometimes when model becomes complicated it will be time consuming
Thank for Reading , time and answering