Thanks for all the input above,,
But i would like to see some major improvements for 500 Euros, that sort of money can buy other products, that dont crash or lag out when your building large architecture subjects
EVGA Workstation dual Xenon system, and the i have not seen any better productive GPU use as its still CPU reliant.
Seems a huge shame that they are investing your money into a database to sell you more products, and not bringing Sketchup into 64bit OS, or even GPU use...
currently can anyone show me a proof we are not being held to ransom subscribe or get a bill for not backing the database..
If they dont bring the software up to date, will they lose more than they presume to gain..
Programs like Blender, are snapping up users of sketch up due to the free and built in rendering animation and more, when your paying for a piece of software it has to beat the free ware options out there, why else make a investment, ? in a win95 32bit program, with some go faster stickers on it