RE: Australian Victorian balustrade?
As you are a beginner I suggest you to draw it, with the use of components you won't have to draw that much, else you can create a library and re-use.
You can find some pics there:
Request for 2 more clicks when you ask for help.
It would be nice when you ask for help, to upload files in older version of SU so anybody who wants to help can read your files/
Save as/select version of SU (choose V6), just 2 clicks.
Thank you all.
RE: Incised lettering, how to?
Using Follow me, intersect, select the faces you want to keep, group, delete extra.
RE: Rough cut stone without a texture
Julia Christina Eneroth made a plugin named Fractal Terrain Eroder
Eneroth Fractal Terrain Eroder | SketchUcation
3D SketchUp Community for Design and Engineering Professionals.
RE: Mass convert SU files to different version? said:
@ericschimel said: mass convert SketchUp 2017 files down to SketchUp 8 files.
just wondering for what this is required.
Lot of peoples like me don't upgrade to the latest version for some (good) reason.
If you ask here some help and upload a model we can't read, we can't help you.
This may be one of the reasons why this is required for.
RE: Mass convert SU files to different version?
@ericschimel said:
I'm trying it and I can't get it to work for some reason (I'm on a Mac if that's helpful)
When I fire it up it asks me for the version, and then a file dialog pops up. I forces me to browse for and select an individual SketchUp model, I can't multiselect or just pick a folder. Once I do pick a file it pops up another file dialog, assumably for me to tell it where to place the converted files. I select a location and run it and nothing happens...
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
I confirm it does not work on Mac:
Ruby console output:
Sketchup.open_file(/Users/gilles/Downloads/@/Roller bracket.skp) mod.save_copy(/Users/gilles/Downloads/@/Roller bracket_v8, 8) Error; #<ArgumentError; Model must be saved before copying.> /Users/gilles/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/Bulk Copy by Version.rb;70;in `save_copy' /Users/gilles/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/Bulk Copy by Version.rb;70;in `block in main' /Users/gilles/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/Bulk Copy by Version.rb;64;in `each' /Users/gilles/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/Bulk Copy by Version.rb;64;in `main' /Users/gilles/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/Bulk Copy by Version.rb;29;in `block in <top (required)>' SketchUp;1;in `call'
RE: Intersect Faces Not Working
The intersection works if you scale up your model.
Length of segment of the cylinder <0,6mm same old problem. -
RE: Follow-me and rotate - mise Ă jour ?
@unknownuser said:
"Follow-me and rotate" ne fonctionne pas sur ma version sketchup 2017 installée sur windows.
Pourquoi ne pas l'installer sur une ancienne version de SU?
Avec 2015 Follow-me and rotate fonctionne.
RE: Importer un plan
Je crois que Pilou voulait dire passer à échelle X 1000 et passer en mètre pour éviter toute confusion: 1m = 1mm.
Travail fini retour Ă l'Ă©chelle originale.
Une solution que j'affectionne: Créer un composant du modèle échelle:1, faire une copie du composant l'agrandir échelle:1000, travailler sur la copie reporte toute les modifs sur l'original à l'échelle.
Effacer ou cacher la copie une fois le travail fini . -
RE: Measuring on a curved line
Do you speak of native curves (arc,circle ) or custom curves like bezier or welded segments?
RE: Probleme avec slicer 5
Dans ce cas se mettre en vue de dessus, projection parallèle,aller dans fichier/configurer le document , décocher adapter l'affichage à la page et règler le format d'impression puis imprimer.
RE: Probleme avec slicer 5
J'ai pas eu de soucis.
PS: pour obtenir les Ă -plats en ##.png, selectioner le groupe Ă -plat et utiliser l'exportateur du trancheur.
RE: Probleme avec slicer 5
Pour que tout le monde puisse lire ton fichier merci de le poster en version 8 (enregistrer sous/choisir la version).
RE: How can I make multiple pipes that feed into a main pipe?
I learn something today: I didn't know you could use FollowMe with a path outside of the face context.
Thanks Box.