@daniel said:
However, it doesn't say an "additional" 30% off.
True, Daniel...
Nevertheless I still feel it's misleading...
I already got a 40% discount, why would they subsequently send an offer with a lower discount - an offer which is inferior to the original - unless it indirectly indicates that there is an additional discount...?
@krisidious said:
it says 30% off your order... if your order was to be a certain amount, which most people watch closely.... Why would you not think it was going to be 30% off that order amount? especially for a non-tangible product like software, that is never out of stock?
My point exactly...
@gareth said:
Frederik, I think you should get Jeff Hammond to do the negotiating for you.
By now, you'd have got it for free and probably a free coffee to go with it...!!
Why didn't I think of it...??