I was trying to install manually. Now, with PluginStore package it works. Thank you again
RE: [PLUGIN] Voronoi + Conic Curve
RE: [Plugin] CenterPointAll.rb
Thanks TIG
This simple tool helps me rotating components around their centerpoints which is quite complicated in SU.
It would be even more handy if a created centerpoint was interactive, I mean: changed with scaling and moving component or group it's based on. But I realise that would be also much more complicated code.
RE: [PLUGIN] Voronoi + Conic Curve
Error loading file. The same issue in SU 2017, SU 8. The same with the version developed by the.pjt.
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
This is the point. Adding "m" suffix recovers the preview and makes creating fur possible. Sometimes the solution is so surprisingly simple and you wonder how you couldn't figure it out by yourself
Thank you so much, TIG!
PS I still cannot use these sliders but this it OK. Typing values by hand is also good.
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
I should type in Ruby Console
x.to_lwhere "0.006" is the value I adjusted with the slider; type it right after moving the slider, right? And then Make Fur.
Sadly this still generates errors
RE: [Plugin] LSS Toolbar 2.0 Beta
I guess the plugin should be working with SU 8. The toolbar opens with errors in all tools:
"No definition "callRuby"", "No definition "get_settings"", "No definition "obtain_defaults""
They don't let me continue working with this plugin, regardless I answer YES or NO.
Unfortunately, Ruby console is empty.
I have rather put the files into correct folders.
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
I tried to generate fur with SketchUp 8 also but the same problem exists with the same set of non-working params.
Working parameters: Density, MaxNumber, Stiffness, Divide (Main tab), all Jitters, ValidDistance (Detail tab).
Non-working parameters: Length, RootWidth (Main tab), directions and forces (Detail tab).
No matter what values I am using, errors show up. I tried similar values to Dave's but it didn't change anything.
Example error in Ruby console when adjusting non-working params:
Error: #<ArgumentError: Cannot convert "0.006" to Length>
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:2407:into_l' C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:2407:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:1398:instart_fur_test' C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:1340:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:2407:in `call'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/FUR_EN/main.rb:2407Additionally, when I adjust a non-working param and after that, a working param, also that working param starts to generate Ruby errors. Only when I restart plugin, I can use some of the params again.
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
Maybe I should change my nickname...
I assume that when you click MAKE FUR, the geometry generates. So yes, this must be something with my sketchup.
The behaviour doesn't change but thank you for your attempt to help me!
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
@dave r said:
@einstein said:
Any ideas?
My guess is pilot error. I just installed it and it works fine for me. We need more information about what exactly you are doing when you try to use it.
[attachment=1:37noox4j]<!-- ia1 -->fur.gif<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:37noox4j]
What do you mean by "pilot error", what does it mean?
Now I restarted SketchUp a few times and it started working... almost correclty. I can see the preview and generate nice fur. Unless I change some of the parameters: Length, RootWidth (Main tab) and directions, forces (Detail tab) cause the script to kinda get stuck. The preview doesn't change and the geometry doesn't generate. Nothing happens when I click MAKE FUR. I can only close the window and start again with the same issues. In comparison: if I adjust e.g. Stiffness, Divide (Main tab) or things in Detail tab marked green, everything works properly. Looks like the Author wanted to say: green background means "compatibility guaranteed", white bacground means "you're doing this at your own risk". I don't know if it really matters, if the script somehow checks compatibility. Cuz the Author's menu is all greenAnd one more question - is it possible with this plugin to retain proxies after generation and render fur fully only in external renderer, like v-ray?
I attached the file I'm working with but certainly the problem is not about certain model.
RE: [Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
No fur (grass) is created The window shows up but there's no preview, no creation Sketchup 2017 pro, Win 7 64bit. Any ideas?
RE: [Plugin] Random Select
Thank you, TIG, for such good understanding needs of every 3D modelling guy! In my opinion 3D modelling software should focus on improving selection because it is one of the most important steps in computer graphics - when you already have selected exactly what you needed, you can already make almost everything easily. Selecting is such a basic action but sometimes it takes sooo much time that it's vital to speed it up.
RE: [plugin]Random replacement of components
It works really nice. But if I replace many components and want to undo, I have to undo all changes one by one component. Could it be all the changes are done within one step only? Could somebody modify the script or give me a hint how to modify it? (I have no clue about coding - the only thing I can do is to replace some part of code in Notebook )
And... if it also worked with groups... that would be gorgeous.
Anyways, great thanks for the Creators!
RE: [Extension][$] iSelect
As you can see in the attachment, it also deselects some of the front, visible faces. The problem appears when softened edges come into play.
I also told this in Extension Warehouse.
RE: [Plugin] 3D Parametric Shapes - makes placeable components
Great thanks, johnwmcc, for this plugin! Did you consider designing a toolbar for it? I'm sure for many users it became one of the very basic tools in SU. Having it accessible on top of the screen would be nice
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
Looks like you did but it doesn't always work Because usually when I add a forced pair I can Undo last action. In some cases I cannot. Also, after cancelling all changes some of them don't cancel. All I do is adding forced pairs, nothing more. I cannot distinguish when I perform an operation which is impossible to undo.
SU file attached in the next post
RE: Remove single item/component from a group
Sorry for bringing up an 8-year old thread but what does "edit session" mean? (what TIG said)
RE: [Plugin] Mirror
I don't know why selection is lost when I mirror entities and don't erase original selection. On the video tutorial selection skips to newly-created geometry which is expected behaviour. In my SU after mirroring, nothing is selected.