@d12dozr said:
I didn't quite understand what you are saying here...are you trying to get from SU to a format that Shapeways accepts?
Firstly, everyone (that knows about it) in the states appears use Shapeways. They have a flat rate pricing system that's hard to be beat, have a wonder around the forum and you'll see even a some of USA 3D printshops are regular contributors/users.
For more conventional (none metal) presentation models the SU/CADSpan plugin and service are stateside. Shapeways offers something different, both from a product and a business model perspective.
The missing links are more to do with fine detail, accurate engineering product models that can be post processed to high tolerances. And that I can generate on a Mac.
so, (as TIG has shown up here) rubies like his VolumeCalculater's and some of the shrink wrap efforts need speed improvements to be viable for all in SU output,
one of the thing's I'm trying to get to work more efficiently is a letter stringer, so that a buyer can add there name to a curved tubular object, there's some image over at Chris's ComponantBender thread.
As far as getting them into Shapeways goes, there are file problems that require going into MeshLab or similar before export and I mentioned in another post that there is a Shapeways API available that would take you to the shop for pricing, ect... but it need pur(SU)ing by a ruby master..
I think a permanent 3D printing thread should be contemplated...