I did joint pushpull and other to do like image below but the direction went bit off.
the right pushpulled edge's not matching to the extending line from the center of the
I don't know why. can anyone tell me why this happened??
I did joint pushpull and other to do like image below but the direction went bit off.
the right pushpulled edge's not matching to the extending line from the center of the
I don't know why. can anyone tell me why this happened??
@l i am said:
[attachment=0:1d268sfa]<!-- ia0 -->Copy 1.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1d268sfa]Hope this is what you meant
thanx Liam
I think yours is another way to make it easy!!
@box said:
Enter the group for editing, select the part you want and copy it, exit the group and choose Paste or Paste in place. You can then move it wherever you want.
wow...what a simple way to solve my problem.
It would be perfect solution when it comes with trick (by Liam)
I need some help on the issue below
I got a complex shape in a group.
I just need to get inner curve in a separate group
but I don't wanna draw over on the curve
I just wanna copy it without ungrouping original model if it's possible
reason for doin it under that picky condition is...
-I suppose I have very complicated curve which is impossible to draw over
can I have some tip on the issue???
@box said:
Here you go, does this make it clearer?
yesyes. thanx for the demo!
It's pretty much same method only difference was that I typed degrees
thanx again! It is much better and easier
by the way I found number of seg. was also considerable to follow your instruction
as you see in the image below
but after rotate a circle, I'm still not comfy that I got '~x.xx'......
no precise number of length. I don't like '~' in front of my measurement = =;
@box said:
No matter how many segments in your circle, rotate by half a segment before cutting the circle in half. This will ensure the follow me finishes perpendicular to the first and last segments.
This is the reason I have asked a couple of times for the ctrl modifier to work the same on circles as it does on polygons. They added to rectangles but still not circles.
could you please show me some demo??
I don't fully understand this part---> 'rotate by half a segment'
if this is better tip to solve my issue, I really want to learn your solution!
I had problem using followme on 1/4 circle becuz my form didn't closeup completely
maybe this is good tip for beginners like me....or I need better tip from an expert users
I really wonder how expert users make this work.
as image shown below...my tips is making circle with typing 20 b4 you click
and then draw 1 curve straight from centre to mid of curve not where curve meet curve
not here < but here -- and then rotate 9 degrees from centre to red axis or green axis
then you will get closed shape when you use followme tool
anybody have better or traditional solution on this issue??? please let me know~!
Thanx For replying
Yes I also posted this thread on Vray forum but somehow it didn't show up very soon
(maybe loading time took longer than I expected)
Thanx For replying
I meant I wanna remove unused material from Vray material editor as you see in the pic attached
I did attached pic at the first time but somehow it it didn't show up
I have really annoying problem while using Vray for Sketchup
I just made hemi sphere and test to some vray materails
but even before I load up any materials, I already have tons of materials from Lisanne(Sketchup mam from startup)
is there anyway to remove those material(unneeded) at a time??
I know I can't hand pick and delete them one by one but just need faster way incas I got
tons of another material.
Can I have some advice from sketchup gurus??
hi~I have a question about ungrouping.
I got entire piece grouped but I need isolate some parts in a group.
what If the parts i want to move have tons of planes so I can't hand pick each of them,
what should I do to take it out from the group...?
can I get some tips for doing this easy???
I know triple click sellect entire piece / double click select planes and lines surround it
I did shape bender flat one to curved one behind in the image
I don't know Why I got that diagonol lines in the red circle.
Can anyone tell me how to do shapebender without that line???
by the way I couldn't delete that line without losing plane....
@pbacot said:
If you have two faces that coincide and are hidden, there's no problem. If they coincide and show, that is not good, and it also relates to what would be physically impossible. Make simple shapes, e.g. a window frame that act like the real (more complex shape) and this shouldn't happen or just be careful and frugal about how you represent surfaces. Doubled faces in some cases mean you've drawn more than you have to.
I was asking that question becuz I was just confused if I have to approach that physically correct or not.
thanx again!!
@pixero said:
Instead of a gap you could try to inset the window a couple of cm. that creates a tiny shadow that tends to look good in a render.
thanx for replying
I'm wondering how you guys manage where two surfaces overlapped.
(in case you don't make any gap btw parts to parts)
literally isn't that software error to have it on modeling??
sketchup also shows those surfaces with fuzzy broken look...
but It seems ok to have it just for rendering unless I actually bring it in real life
how many of you consider about the gap when modeling?
I've watched many housebuild tutorial and found out quite many people
leave doubled face as is.
what I mean by that is if you look at the image below
left one(no gap) is presenting general way of modeling for wall and window frame
there's no gap, physically doesn't make sense.
right one has 0.01m gap btw wall and window frame.
similar case when you give seams btw part to part...
which one is efficient when you do vray rendering??
(window frame and wall grouped separately by the way)
@rich o brien said:
Depends on the geometry setup.
Internal or external corners are easily added post modelling. But when you need to chamfer edges that transition for horizontal, vertical or sloped scenarios it can be easier to do this at the beginning.
A neater way is to use the chamfered mesh to create the normal for the non-chamfered mesh. This way at render time you use less overhead rendering but still trick the eye that the beveling exists.
Thanx for replying!
I don't fully understand 'use chamfered mesh'.
could you show me some example of it??
during modeling anything complicated (ex architecture or interiors)
when do you guys do edge fillet usually?
this might be such a dumb question but I'm wondering how you guys doing it?
if I do it in early stage then I can process modeling quickly but later on I might get in trouble when I try to fix it.
the other way, I might have enough time for make design decision but I can't go on to next stage quickly.
It's somehow simple but headaching dilemma to me....
(maybe causing from lack of modeling experience)
I do lot of modeling simulation before choose one I like...(It means I do lot of fixing and editting on measurement)
can I have some tips???
@dave r said:
I don't follow you. Why can't you select the edges? Why do you have all those internal faces?
@dohyungkim said:
why the middle one make it hard...??
Why are you making it much harder than it needs to be??
Why not just use Follow Me to draw the thing?
[attachment=0:c9z4b1n3]<!-- ia0 -->Screenshot - 8_27_2017 , 10_30_52 AM.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:c9z4b1n3]
you are right...that should be much easier.
but either way would be ok as long as fillet doesn't go weird.
thanx Dave R!
let's supposed I can go filet first and then cut it in half later
this time the middle circle is the problem...not selectable
I did ...draw circle----> push pull up---> ctrl / pushpull up again
---> scale down the top circle----> re pushpull the top.
that's how I made the piple shape.
why the middle one make it hard...??
@dave r said:
What do you mean the edges are selectable? Round Corner works fine.
[attachment=1:pc5mknli]<!-- ia1 -->fillet.gif<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:pc5mknli]
click on the pic to see if move.If you knew you were going to fillet those from the beginning, you could have drawn arcs in before running Follow Me.
thanx for replying...could u check the image below??