At first I want to apologize if this suggestion is inappropriate, as I am not a programmer, I barely understand ruby language, but not (yet) able to do smart things with it.
So, what is all about:
I used some plugins that required RGB color input (random painter, color by slope) and I noticed that the RGB had to be inserted separately in three fields in a input box.
I am wondering if this would not be much easier for the user to input them like this: 128,256,30 (RGB values in order) in one single line, separated by comma (or numpad point, to be much faster input). Of course, in this case a regexp filter would be needed, to avoid unwanted symbols and correct spaces/points/commas.
In this way, the start color and end color (for color by slope, for example) could be inserted in same input box (two separate fields) and compared. After a while using RGB input, you get used to it (I did).
Other suggestion in same problem would be to allow user to select two materials:
Message box: Select first material (OK) user clicks in Material Browser (or eyedropper in model?) Message box: Is material correct? If YES, select next material.(YES/NO) user clicks in Material Browser (or eyedropper in model?) Message Box: Is material correct?(YES/NO)
if YES, take COLOR (because material can have texture too) from selected materials and proceed with next functions. If NO, allow reselection from Materials list.
If this makes any sense for you, thanks for your time in reading, otherwise, please excuse me for having "ideas" out of my field of expertise.
I'm just a lazy person and I like doing things fast and with as less as possible work