YES optimaforever! That is exactly the problem I was talking about and your solution seems to have been working, so far at least.
I really hope Fredo that we don't come of as entitled, obviously you are giving us all these great tools (most of the times for free!) and we are off course not in a position to demand anything.
The problem, as optimaforever hinted, is that we, or at least I, rely so much on all your plugins that when they don't work is a huge issue, and that's why I immediately bought all your plugins the minute that I could, donated to you a little bit for all the others, and we are still FAR from even.
For that reason, I was just wondering if you are planning to make a paid version even just for the privilege of not having the plugins (especially LoTT!) disappear all of a sudden every once in a while.
Thanks a lot again.