Like you, and inspired by Silvershadow, I started to model a plane (a WW1 biplane).
My tips so far:
1 set up the 3 views so that they line up (in the 3 dimensions)
(also set up 3 orthogonal sketchup views - top, side, front - so that you can jump quickly from one view to another)
2 Model the parts in place, in other words I set up a vertical plane(!) along the centreline of the aircraft and started to build one half of the model on that
3 Just like making a model aircraft, make it in sections, so group each section. e.g. the fusilage, the wings, the wheels etc. each seperately.
4 Build half the plane and then mirror it.
There are quite a few videos on youtube, and there are differing techniques, but for me (coming from making physical balsa models) the modeling it from sliced sections is the most appropriate for an aircraft, and can make use of the 'blend' plugin.
Here is just one of many youtube videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlDxc2wyIhY
(Here is another, but using 3dMax, and just shows how much easier it is to do it in sketchup! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=389Fh0AdD1c&feature=related)