I'm looking for a measurement plugin that is similar to the measurement tool in Trimble 'Realworks' software. You basically select two points and it gives you 4 dimensions, point to point and all 3 axis measurements. Does anyone know of a plugin that will do this?

Measurement Plugin
RE: 3D Warehouse Problems
My Internet Explorer is up to date. I cleared the cache and that solved the issue!
Thank you!
3D Warehouse Problems
I've been having problems with 3d warehouse for a while. When I try to get or share models from sketchup, I only get a partial page load. Any ideas why this might be happening?
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
@rodman100 said:
It happens to us all!
You'd think 50% of the time I'd get it right the first time. I swear its only like 10%! lol
RE: SketchUp 2013 Maintenance Release 2
Just installed this update. It seems to have fixed my worst problem, splats on scene updates!
Thank you!
RE: Better ways to create mesh for grading?
@mitcorb said:
Hi, David:
Wouldn't you need more contour information in the interior of your plan? Would Fredo6's Toposhaper be a possibility?I do need more contours in the interior! Thats why I need a mesh. Thanks for the recommendation for Toposhaper. I had not tried that yet. It does a great job at creating a mesh and grading it for me, however, it does not respect the edge lines, like the sandbox tools or soap skin bubble does. Obviously, I could manually fix all of important edges, but I'd rather not!
Better ways to create mesh for grading?
I have been using sandbox tools for grading, but I don't like the way it creates the faces. I am really missing soap skin bubble! I'm just looking for other ideas how to create a mesh from grade lines.
The way 'from contours' does it, I can't use Artisan to smooth and grade specific areas like drains, etc.
RE: [Plugin][$] 3D Tree Maker - New version 1.10.14
@krisidious said:
On SU 2013 Win, I'm getting this error on startup.
no such file to load -- 3darcstudio/3darcstudiotree.rbs
Error Loading File 3darcstudiotreeloader.rb
no such file to load -- 3darcstudio/3darcstudiotree.rbsThe file is in the location specified.
I'm getting this exact same thing. I have full permissions.
RE: Greater version of SU
Thanks! I installed the latest version and that solved it!
RE: Greater version of SU
I'm getting the same error. I made sure that I had the permissions settings correct for the plugins and the tools folder.
I'm getting this error for Curviloft, Curvizard, FredoScale, FredoTools, Roundcorner, SUClock, ToolsOnSurface
Is version 13 too high a number for the plugins to recognize?
RE: Copy - a new cloud storage space
I can choose the file directory or drive that the 'Copy' folder is created. I would like it if I could set it to monitor and sync a specific folder on the same drive. The only option that I know of is to move the 'folder' you want inside the 'Copy' folder.
RE: Copy - a new cloud storage space
I used your link. Thanks for that!
Does anyone know how to sync a folder thats on my hard drive with the Copy folder? Or should just move the folder(s) into the 'Copy' folder and work on them from there?
RE: MysticThumbs is Awesome!
I use it too, and love it. However, once in a great while one of its internal processes goes nuts when i'm browsing through folders thats on our server. I have 16 GB of RAM and my RAM meter will suddenly crawl all the way to 100%. I just open task manager and stop the process thats using all of the RAM and it solves it. I can't prove that its MysticThumbs, but it seems to happen while trying to generate thumbnails while browsing the server drives.
RE: Outdoor Kitchen
Thank you for compliments. It means a lot coming from solo, a true professional in my eyes. I've only been at this rendering thing for about a year or two and have learned tons from this forum/community.
RE: Kerkythea Site?
Thanks! At least the forum is working. I can't seem to get anything else on the site.
RE: Kerkythea Site?
Yeah, I haven't been able to get their site since before yesterday.
RE: Outdoor Kitchen
Thanks for the comments. Yes, there is some confusion there at the top of the posts. The construction is all treated lumber wrapped with rough sawn cedar. What you see at the top of the posts is a trim piece to terminate the wrapping of the posts. I should have pulled it down the post a hair, to separate it from the beam.
RE: Outdoor Kitchen
Yes, I agree. There is some existing old pavers that we won't be able to match. Hopefully they will want all the pavers replaced with new.
The veneer stone on the bar grill area is probably not what will end up there. It was the best I had to work with at the time. I realized too late that its scaled way too small.
Outdoor Kitchen
Here are some renders of a porch addition with a bar and grill.
All done with Sketchup + Kerkythea
It was the most lights I had ever worked with and the first with granite counter tops. It was a fun experience!
Any tips or comments are welcome!
RE: Delete Scenes
Thanks for the replies. I just did a reinstall, and I don't think I have anything abnormal. Just a couple dozen plugins.