i've never been a smoker. . .(I onced puffed at the age of 11--bein' real sneaky. Made me sick. I hated it) quite frankly. . . I never really got it. Remember the old Bob Newhart routine about Crazy Wally? Sir Walter Raleigh--talkin' to the Dutch East India Company? Classic!
%(#8000BF)[*"Wo wally. . you're saying we take the leaves, roll them up in tissue paper, stick it in our mouth. . ..And SET IT ON FIRE??
Uh Wally? Why would I wanna do this? Uh-huh. . .uh-huh. . . .Cuz it is tastes good?"
You call this stuff TO-BAC-C0? And you 've sent us 50 tons of the stuff?
Of course, Newhart was a 5 pack a day smoker himself before he quit. Johnny carson, Yul Brynner, Nat Cole, Bogart, etc etc. All died from Smoking. Very sad.
Anyway. . .Thats How I have always thought of Smoking. I jsut never really got it. Why not Just put your mouth around the tailpipe of car or something? The tragedy of smoking is that we've know about the dangers since the sixties and yet I see young people more and more doing it--despite all the knowledge that we have gained in the past 2 generations. I understand how addictive it can be tho, so I applaud those who can quit. For your Daughter's sake.![newhart.jpg](/uploads/imported_attachments/AlsX_newhart.jpg)