Hi Tom, how are you?
Thanks for your help as always.
I want to show you some examples of meshes that I use.
I never manage to convert them completely to quadface.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.
Or is there some way to do it completely.
When there are many meshes, it is a very laborious job.
Thank you.
RE: [Plugin] QuadFaceTools
RE: Tax_Engineering v10.1 [plugin update]
@dave r said:
@chapalee said:
When trying to do so, many straight sections are visible.
You are using a Sketchy line style which makes the short segments visible. Either don't use a sketchy line style or weld all of the segments together and use a sketchy style that has long strokes or edit the style and turn off the edges altogether.
Hello, thank you for your prompt help.
I am working with the BZ_Tools.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.
But it shouldn't be, because I also have to do it with straight lines and it also looks segmented.
The problem is that those segments are noticeable when rendering.
As far as you can help me, I appreciate it.
I am attaching the file where I am doing the tests.
RE: Tax_Engineering v10.1 [plugin update]
Hi how are you.
Thanks for your plugin, it's very good.
I wanted to ask you if you have any tutorial to create a cable.
When trying to do so, many straight sections are visible.
In what you can help me, I appreciate it.
Thank you.
RE: Edge intersection on faces
@gd3design said:
Sure thing. If you run into to one of those more complicated examples, just share a skp file and I'll be happy to take a look and let you know if there are any better workarounds I know of or plugins that could help in a different situation. Cheers! GD
Thank you very much for your help and time brother.
I will keep it in mind. -
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Hi, how are you.
First of all I wanted to thank you for your work and collaboration.
Second excuse my English, I only speak Spanish and the translator helped me.
I wanted to ask you two things.
1- Is there a way to offset only one edge.
Currently the offset is done around the entire contour and many times it is only necessary to do it with one edge.
I am attaching an image so that you understand me better.
2- I am trying to make a line by selecting two points on the edges of the surface but the edge of the surface is curved.
He draws the straight line and it is correct because it is a line, but if the line passes through a place where there is no surface he should give an option to draw the straight line or draw it on the surface.
I am attaching an image so that you understand me better.Well if there is any solution, I appreciate if you help me how to do it, if not, you should add these options, it would be very good.
RE: Edge intersection on faces
@gd3design said:
Sketchup does not like when two edges meet at the boundary of a cutting perimeter. For this instance, you could solve the problem by making a group out of the diamond geometry, then trace the outside perimeter(make a rectangle), drop the rectangle down onto the face below, delete the inner face, then drop your diamond pattern into place and explode, if necessary....(or you could just keep it grouped).
Hello brother, how are you, sorry for the delay in responding, but I had no internet.
Currently I am doing it that way, but when they are curved things the work is more complicated.
I thought there would be some way to make it easier and more automatic.
Thank you again, I will wait to see if someone gives me another idea or another plugin that they know.
Greetings. -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
@tig said:
There are several tools around, by me and others, project-to-plane, drop-vertices etc that take selected lines and change their vertices etc...
Hello, how are you? Thank you for your answer.
It just seemed more practical to have it in the same 2d tools and the ease of having the previously selected z-plane.
Thanks and regards. -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
Hi, how are you.
Thanks for this tool.
I wanted to ask you, if there is any way to select some lines and have them move to the z plane that was configured.
If not, it would be good if you added it to the tool.
I currently use the Eneroth Flatten to Plane plugin.
But it would be good to find it in your tools, that one can configure the z plane, select the lines and give the command and all the lines are located.
Thanks. -
Edge intersection on faces
Hello boys how are you.
I want to ask you a question.
How do they intersect edges on a face.
I usually make figures in Autocad and need to project them onto the face of an object in sketchup.
But my face is not cut, everything is united.
I try to select all the edges and the face, then click opposite and intersect faces in selection, but it doesn't look right.
Some parts are cut off and some are not.
I project these edges with the projection plugin.I show you an image so that you can understand me better.
And I am attaching a file in version 2017.
I use sketchup 2017 and sketchup 2021.
RE: Move vertices of a curve
Hi, how are you.
It is that they are not only arches, the arch is placed as an example to do it with few vertices.
With edge tools I have tried it, but the lengths in z are different, I need them to be the same.@rv1974 said:
Can't just draw a sloped face (as you wish) and project your old arch on it (with drape tool)?
or even easier:
thomthom's edge tools- make colinear (in z axis) -
RE: Move vertices of a curve
Hi johnameli, thanks for your answer.
I'm trying to do it as you say, but I don't see the option.
Or do I have to have a plugin installed?
Thanks.@johnameli said:
First right click on the curve and select the curve point mode. then select the spot where you want to insert a curve point. With the dot select go to the surfaces menu (hotkey = f4) to edit curves -> insert knot and voila
RE: Move vertices of a curve
Hello pbacot how are you.
Vertex tool is payment, and for me it is difficult without currencies.
I have Curvizard and Bezier Spline, but I don't know how to use it for what I want to do.
Remember that I want to modify each vertex in its Z coordinate so that it is gradual.
Thanks.@pbacot said:
In which fashion do you intend to move the vertices? if you are simply moving them all in a single direction and dimension, move works for all, but if you are looking for a "soft" move, adjusting the shape of the curve, Vertex tools plugins may work.
There are other free/donate plugins to work with curves. "Curvizard" and Bezier Spline.
RE: Move vertices of a curve
Hi pbacot How are you.
Thanks for your help, but when there are few vertices there is no problem in doing it manually.
But when there are more than 30 vertices, modifying one by one takes a long time.
That is why I am looking for a quicker solution.Hi rv1974 Thanks for your reply too.
But I don't understand what you mean.
I don't know if it's a plugin or something like that.Excuse my English, I only speak Spanish.
Move vertices of a curve
Hello boys how are you.
I wanted to ask you, if there is any way in sketchup or with a plugin, to move all vertices of a curve or set of edges, in constant levels on its z axis.
I attach some images so that you understand me better.
This example is of an arch, and the difference in level between the first and the last vertex is one meter.
I just want to modify it's z coordinate.
If one could put the first and last vertices in position and have the plugin modify the intermediate vertices.
Convert meshes to polygonmesh
Hello how are you
Can someone tell me how I can export sketchup meshes to dwg.
But that these meshes come out as polygonmeshThank you
Excuse my English I only speak Spanish