@mac1 said:
Think your priority is out of whack. Any good engineering company will have their way of doing business and using one program vs another is not a career path. Ones I have dealt with will quite often put there new hire grads through training programs including the use of their design software. Programs come in and out of vogue over time frames so hanging your hat on one is not good job security. If you are targeting one particular company find out what they use, get up to speed on that so it sets you apart from other applicants. If that does not fit in with various persons thoughts all I can say is get real 
I'm a second year grad. student so I guess it's time for me to start researching specific companies that I want to work for. I'm not mocking sketchup - I personally love it. It's a lot of fun to use. I am slightly familiar with Maya (I can do modeling, UV'ing and texture baking, but not too much more) and even more acquainted with Creator (which is so damn expensive that no one probably uses it).
What I would love is a career in modeling the built environment and various urban design proposals (transforming streets, etc.), but I also want to be involved in the research and analysis that goes into the decision making process on what it is exactly we should do. Would a position like that even exist?! haha.