This discussion is getting more and more interesting
I found Jeff and Charlie's approaches very clever, even if I still haven't tried Charlie's at the top of the door, where the molding should also be curved.
I knew about TIG's Extrusion Tools but never found an application for me with the Lathe tool. So I spent some time in getting to grips with it. I think it is a very good tool but I'm experiencing some troubles with the angles of the curved top molding. After having extruded the two corners at about 79,371ยฐ ( )I found the centre of rotation of the arc (Point a centre) and tried to extrude every section corresponding to each segment of the arc. The arc angle is about 21.258ยฐ, there are 12 segments for the arc, so every extrusion should measure 1.7715ยฐ. But I can only write 3 values after comma, this means adding some more imprecision to the angle. After three extrusions I notice that the segment of the extruded profile is not following the segment of the arc. The difference is very small but, after 12 extrusions the difference increases and this causes (at least to me) problems when intersecting geometries to clean up the molding.
Where am I wrong?
Jean (Lemire), thank you for your hints, but as far as I can see, your example ends up with rounded corners also internally, where they should be squared instead. Unless I didn't go deep enough in your example, I don't think it's the right solution.