@slbaumgartner said:
I understand your need. However, I don't expect to see it implemented in SketchUp any time soon because it would require a fundamental redesign of how SketchUp works.
Today there is a 1-1 matchup between how Entities are represented in the model data and how they are drawn on the screen. That is, the internal data representation is all Edges and Faces, and (with some shading and texturing tricks) that is exactly what is drawn on the screen.
To get what you desire, they would have to break this 1-1 relationship so that the screen geometrical representation was dynamically calculated from an abstract mathematical geometry representation (e.g. center point and radius) every time the object was displayed. Obviously it's possible to do that, but it isn't how SketchUp was designed. So, a very major redesign and alteration of how SketchUp works would be needed.
The simplicity SketchUp gets from its approach is also a reason it is so much less expensive than true CAD programs.
Thanks for taking the time to explain that. A very interesting description and, for a non technical individual like myself, rather easy to grasp. Discouraging though. Obviously I'm happy that SU is so cheap by comparison to other programs and I don't want it to become a feature rich / bloated application. It's simplicity is it's strength. But, curves are such an essential function of so much of what I do that I'm forced out to other software because of the lack of true curves in SU.
At least now I'll know to stop asking for and expecting improvement in this area from each new upgrade and then feeling disappointed when it doesn't happen.