Hi everybody! I am back after a long hiatus for me, because I wanted to start a discussion about one of the newest features of Sketchup 2016.
I don't know if you found about it yet, but when you right click on the predefined tray you get a command that says: "Manage Trays"
When you click you get this window:
In this window you can create a defined set of different trays, which you can then assign to different functions.
When you create more than one tray, you can then go from one another with a series of tabs that show up in the lower part of the tray.
So you can have, say, a Tray for model information, one for materials, another one for scenes and so on.
I find this really nice, it gives me a 3DS MAX feel in Sketchup and I like it a lot.
I am still working on how to assign trays efficiently, and I'd like to know if anyone else is using them, and how.
Take Care,