@wkearney99 oh wait, I'm a dope, I didn't know about this button:
Which gives me:
so, yeah, nevermind...
@wkearney99 oh wait, I'm a dope, I didn't know about this button:
Which gives me:
so, yeah, nevermind...
@fredo6 yes, those, I don't see contours and the rest.
do they only appear when you're manipulating a certain kind of shapes or something?
I created a shape, selected some faces, selected the V tool
I ask this because I'm using the trial version and wanted to make sure I wasn't going to purchase something that wasn't going to work. I'm only using SU for 3D printing hobby stuff. I don't mind spending a few bucks to get decent software. I just wanted to make sure it'd work with what I've got.
- Sketchup: 17.2.2555
- LibFredo6: v14.9a
- LibFredo6 Binary loaded
- Sketchucation ExtensionStore: 4.4.1
- SCFLicense: v6.4a - 74
- Fredo6 Plugins
> FredoCorner v2.7a
> JointPushPull v4.8a
> RoundCorner v3.4a
- SCFLicense directory present
> Signature File: absent
Forgive me if I'm not doing something right. I saw the plugin on some videos and have tried to follow their steps and got stymied at not seeing the contour and other buttons.
My use-case for this is I've got a surface mesh from an STL that I want to extrude to a flat plane behind it.
Does 4.8a support doing vector pulls to a plane using SU2017?
I'm not seeing the added elements on the toolbar for it.
Is there a bug report that addresses this? It's still a problem. Just try using the component for this item:
Samsung 55" LED LCD 240Hz TV (UN55B8000)
That " inch mark trips up the DC code. The temporary fix is to bring up that entity's info and remove the " character. That'll let the DC code continue.
@mac1 said:
One of the first things I look for when evolved in trouble shooting of spacecraft or hardware failures is non standard configuration;
What jumped out at me in your posting was what I commented on.
Your comments show a complete lack of under standing of high speed interfaces, common mode rejection and EMC problems one can run into with widely separated interfaces. I have seen cases like this where switch to ground of even short cable lenghts with a low voltage causes the circuit to act like a pulse forming network( because of reflections) and the signal will propagate through several circuits until the impedance loading slows it down enough that it will then trigger circuits down stream form the actual cause. You obviously don't know Teflon cables go through a state change at room temp and the phase velocity can change drastically and is a function of the processes they are built to; balanced circuits can operate properly even with one side open and will change performance with small changes in temp.
I am not saying these are the root cause of your problem but it just a simple suggestion to eliminate a variable.I would do it ,but unlike you I am not omniscient and don't know all the possible causes of problems so will defer to your sophomoric posting and wish you luck.
BTW you cannot assume because SU8 shows the problem that it is the cause. I just spent a week trouble shooting a problem when I switched from FireFox to the new 16.02. When using the vertical scroll bar it would cause a OS kernel blue screen for some web sites but IE would work ok. It was traced to a Nvidia driver I had not updated.
I've over 30 years experience in the IT field, you'd do well to avoid assumptions, or insults. And re-read what you wrote, I'm sure there's something sensible you're trying to include, but it doesn't read very clearly.
I'm well acquainted with how high-speed interfaces function. I've even seen how cabling can affect HDMI/DVI signalling. This is not one of those situations.
Moved? Why? It is a bug, one that only comes up when su8 is running. Now, it may be that su8 is either defective in how it allocates display resources, or it might be the underlying driver. But without better evidence regarding the driver, and seeing su8 as the only repeatable cause, how is this not suitable as a post in the su bugs forum?
Please, moderation works best when it's sensible, not when it's trying to hide something.
@mac1 said:
Shorten up your dvi cable length to <= 16 ft and see if that helps or better yet move your monitor over close.
And given that it's not a display artifact issue, just exactly how do you think that would help?
Or is that just another example of the 'have you rebooted?' approach to customer service we all know and loathe? Don't get me wrong, it's good to have advice, but it does help more if it's actually relevant to the problem at hand.
Were I seeing pixelization or noise, sure. But I'm not and didn't describe it as such. Had I described it as 'snow' or other sorts of noise then cabling could have been an issue. But then how a digital HDMI/DVI signal reacts to bad cabling is ENTIRELY different than how VGA would.
It's a matter of the windows and their contents being drawn incorrectly. It appears to be a memory issue, in that the OS/driver is not correctly drawing everything. Clearly either mail or su8 is pushing past some limit of what the OS/driver is prepared to handle properly and the end result is wildly mis-drawn elements.
The solution will probably just be a 'Henny Youngman'. As in, "Doc, it hurts when I do this." and the doctor responds with "Well, don't do that."
But if someone else that's had similar problems with su8 on an nvidia card cares to share their actual experiences I'd be glad to hear of it.
@utiler said:
Actually, the other guy in the office has a GTX 570 and has been having issues for the last few days....
I updated the driver and seems to be going ok since,
seems its paramount to keep them up to date.
I was already running the latest release version (306.97) of the driver. Did he upgrade to the 310.54 beta version?
[mod=:vwh9xj5p]Moved from SketchUp Bugs as the issue apparently does not come from SketchUp itself.[/mod:vwh9xj5p]
@thomthom said:
Never seen that. I've used nVidia cards for many years now with SketchUp. (Tried ATI once, but had too many issues.) I run multiple windows for the entire day.
Have you ensured your drivers are up to date?
Is your computer getting enough cooling? It's not overheating?
It's a rack-mounted machine in a chilled room, and it's fans are working properly, as is the one on the video card itself. The machines I use from my desk are all in a rack that's in the room next door (to eliminate their noise and heat). I've got a long DVI cable bringing the video to my desk.
That and the problem doesn't come back for quite a while if both mail and su8 are quit and reloaded. Were it heat-related it would come back much faster, if not immediately.
It is hard to replicate in that it involves letting the machine 'sit there'. The machine is not configured to use any sleep or power-reduction modes, so that's not it either. The drivers are current nvidia-supplied drivers (not MS nor card vendor). I've had the same problem crop up on a different machine, also using an nvidia card, su8 and mail.
It's not like I'm losing data, it's just a visual disruption, one that requires stopping work and reloading. Not a terrible burden on today's machinery, just inconvenient.
I'm sure there's a combination of factors coming into play here. I'm looking to find if others have seen the problem and possibly found solutions.
I've got a series of 2D autocad files that I've imported with su7pro. There are a lot of areas where I'd like to have su8 treat them as filled. Is there any easy way to have su8 recognize the area and put a filled plane on it? Short of having to move or redrawn an edge on all of them. It'd be really handy to have a paint bucket sort of tool that did this. Click inside an area and have it create a facet across the bounding edges of it. Or select an edge of an area and have a facet created to cover it.
Any plugins out there that do this sort of thing?
Otherwise it gets darned tedious trying to properly zoom in closely enough and move or change just the right lines to make su8 automagically detect the area as enclosed.
And is there a way to specifically move just one point of a line to a specific point in 3D-space? As in, move just one line back to zero on a given plane to bring it in line with others on that plane.
-Bill Kearney