Cookieware donation sent. I don't know how you plan to update this, but it is very useful as is.
Cookieware donation sent. I don't know how you plan to update this, but it is very useful as is.
You understood perfectly and answered my question and more. Thank you. I'll do without seeing the edges from the visible side.
I have a wall which needs to be visible from one side, but translucent from the back side. I have set the material for the back side to an opacity of 0, but I can still see the edges of the wall. Is there any way to eliminate them as well?
@thomthom said:
I have an update coming up soon. Not ready yet though.
I'm looking forward to it. Thanks.
Wow, that is awesome. Thank you for your efforts. They are much appreciated.
I was trying to figure out if the edges were hidden, and I tried to figure out how to unhide, but I didn't start by turning on hidden geometry. Plus, I wasn't sure if that was the problem, so I cut short my efforts in that direction.
Thanks again,
I'm looking at this model:
The edges on this table and chairs are invisible. I've changed styles, turned Edges and Profiles on, looked at the colors and I can not figure out how to show the edges. I want the profiles to have black lines. Does anyone know how to make that happen?
I see there is a preview recently posted on YouTube for version 2.0 of this tool.