Chrome finish
I am working on a model that needs a very shiny mirror chrome finish to some of its parts.
Can anyone give me some ideas how to accomplish this? -
Run your model through any of a number of rendering applications such as Kerkythea.
The IRender Material Wizard makes it easy to preview and assign a chrome finish. (The wizard lets you easily preview how the material will render before creating the entire rendering.)
You select and define the finish, and it is stored on the SketchUp material and automatically used for rendering. (The reflection, highlighting, etc are defined by the wizard. The color comes from the SketchUp model.)
Thanks to the both of you
Thanks Tom! I don't use this texture that much and forgot it didn't tile.
How do you do what you did?
- How do you make a .jpg into a seamless version?
- How do you turn the resulting .jpg into a material for SketchUp?
you can use this: to create seamless textures, i havent used it before but i believe a few other users tihnk its pretty good.
to use an imae as a texture, all you have to do is click file->import->select the 'use image as texture option->'select the image you want to use for your texture' SU willthen give oyu a coiple of handls to stretch the image over the face you want to texture, when youve placed it, it will then tile across the entire face. to paint it onto other faces, ismply go to the paint bucket, and select 'in model' textures.
Bob, I use a feature in samples parts of a jpeg and does the work for you (sometimes quite successful, sometimes not so much...I'd say this one was middle ground 'cause pretty directional :`) There is a tut out there (early here or on the old SU forums), sorry I can't remember who wrote it but it is excellent, on how to do one manually in PS.
As Remus said: just make a new material named as you will and browse to the saved pic for the texture.
Here are two ways for manually making seamless textures with PS, Both are rather time consuming especially with more detailed textures, this I know from experience as I'm currently in the process of starting to make myself a texture library that I hope will become quite large with high quality seamless textures including bump maps. modelhead also created a great tut for making seamless textures, There are also some plugins for PS, though I haven't tried any and some stand alone programs such as posted here,
This topic also covers some seamless texture generating.
Gentlemen All,
I've been off working on a proposal and haven't had a chance to check back to the forum until now.Thank you for the wealth of replies and their content.
On to better results with your suggestions!
Being at intermediate level now with Sketchup, and having spent most of February 7th now reading forums, viewing videos, and searching for a clue regarding applying a CHROME texture to items in Sketchup, is it safe to say this can not be done with Sketchup using native capabilities?
@scottalanclymer said:
is it safe to say this can not be done with Sketchup using native capabilities?
The answer is the same as was given to you in your other forum post.