Kemp's Outpost
Very cool.
beautiful! I love it.
Prima !!!!!
@unknownuser said:
As seen from the comparison images from SketchUp and Thea Renders, there’s much detail that gets lost. When the scene’s center has geometry further off, Diffusion seems to get a bit confused as if it’s near sightedness works great for what is directly in front of it but that distance seems to confuse the AI. So, simple objects, centered and close produce rather (or more so) reliable representations while distant objects produce scattered or blurry results. But, even with something as simple as a round, circle port window, Diffusion translates the geometry into something seen in a Salvador Dalì painting.
A very accurate description of the diffusion model currently. A bad dream type of detail in my opinion.
I think its good to concept but not suitable to be used as final output. It can only get better to the detriment of those that spent years perfecting their skills.
Steampunk Station Scene 4
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Steampunk Station Scene 8
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Steampunk Station Scene 14
Scene 14 A
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Steampunk Station Scene 18
Scene 18 B
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Scene 18 A
Reference: Thea Render and SketchUp Screenshot
Thank you for kudos. Much appreciated.
Now, that's a massive model
@rich o brien said:
@unknownuser said:
But, even with something as simple as a round, circle port window, Diffusion translates the geometry into something seen in a Salvador Dalì painting.
A very accurate description of the diffusion model currently. A bad dream type of detail in my opinion.
I think its good to concept but not suitable to be used as final output. It can only get better to the detriment of those that spent years perfecting their skills.
@Rich, I agree!
I spent three days looking at over 1000s of variations, selected a hundred+ of those I thought were reasonable as the others were just NUTS! Then, from those, my family helped in a day selecting their favorites which I weeded down to those the family mutually agreed on and a few of my own favs.
But, even though this is not my best Thea Rendering effort, which wasn't the point of this exercise, preparing the materials alone for render took three days with edits and test with two days Just to make 10 quick renders? Part of me is screaming, "not fair" while the other part is crying that the world don't care one way or the other and this is the future as this tech improves. For myself, I see this as the DJ that took bands out of bars, concerts, weddings and parties by owners that could have a night of music at 1/8th the price or more!
However, before I ranted too much in public on the issue, I knew as well I needed to immerse myself in some practical tests to wrap my head around the subject enough to have an opinion, thus these tests. Alas, the future looks bleak, exciting fun and cheap. I guess those who are celebrating are those who can work faster and cheaper for those who discern less for quality, talent and experience... with the exception, as you mention, for concept work. If I can vomit out an idea to get an agreement for work to be done, than I have no moral issue with using this tool, as it does that very well. But, with this tech in the hands of newbies who have no understanding of the challenges with getting realistic results, expectation of clients will change as well, accepting the one click solution as equal to the sweat, experience and passion of rendering they had to "pay" for. I may be a bit slanted or prejudiced but, I think I'm being rather realistic in my assessment as well.
As we saw digital music replace musicians, the more this tech advances, I believe we will (or are) seeing the mortality of the technical expertise of the artistry and profession we've known. The day that AI produces "controlled" work in perfection under direction (or automated), is the day that the masters' and gurus' end has come in this game.
LOL! And all that after all this "fun" becoming familiar with the tool. I believe you and others who share this perspective, are spot on.
I think that no matter how good it gets it will always lack imagination.
People still draw and paint despite disruption with digital media.
I'm optimistic about it. Rock'n'roll is here to stay
I sure hope you're right!!!!
Please be right. -
There are several areas in which AI is much better than normal render engines: these are textiles! I've decided to render architecture classically and render textiles in Skechup diffusion and then mix the two together in Photoshop.
In your case it's about architecture. rendering is better than diffusion
Thanks for doing these comparisons.. very cool to see.
@jo-ke said:
The light is often better in diffusion.
Yeah, in those few cases in which the sun isn't casting shadows in 4 different directions, maybe..
@marked001 said:
Thanks for doing these comparisons.. very cool to see.
Glad you appreciate them for that reason. Thanks.
This would be a great article on the site here...
Its useful, informative and honest feedback from a power user's viewpoint
It reminded of another I read last month on the topic of 3d rendering and AI
Just read the article. Yes, he sums up rather well the advantages and weaknesses, especially that of control.
Good for initial concept ideas, but... not a solution for "on purpose" projects.