[Plugin Beta] Animator - v4.2a - 28 Feb 25
First: Big Thanks to FREDO for this Genius plugin.
Theres just 1 Thing I got a Problem with: Camera Fade out.
If I use more than 2 views/cameras the Animation stops at the second view/camera and doesnt fade to the third one.
what did I wrong?
@mast1987 said:
If I use more than 2 views/cameras the Animation stops at the second view/camera and doesnt fade to the third one.
what did I wrong?
Could you please post or PM your model so that I have a look.
Maybe you simply disable fadeout for the second camera.Fredo
ok I got a solution:
when i set the camera Position with the eye tool it doesnt works.
when I set it with the Orbit and Hand tool it works fine.....thanks for the quick answer btw
Glad to see it works.
Still, I don't see why you have a difference, since Animator does not really care HOW you set a view: it just capture the camera when it is set.
New Release: Animator - v1.8b - 19 Nov 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v8.0b
Maintenance release
- bug fixing
- Handling of cases where scenes which are part of an animation are deleted in Sketchup.
- improvement in circular camera interpolation (fadeout) if you also install LibFredo6 8.0b
See main post for RBZ files
Just upgraded VRay to 3.6 but it no longer appears in the 'Render with' options in animator - is this version of Vray supported by animator in SU 2018?
Is Vray 3.6 installed in SU2018?
I will investigate on my side
Go home Thea, you're drunk!
Why is Thea acting like a drunk uncle? see the animation in SU, this is what I want to render in Thea:
However, when I choose to render the animation I get this:
Is there a way to fix this? reset Thea in some way?
I am assuming that when you went to create the animation using the Animator plugin you clicked the Thea button. I have not seen anything like that happen but I have not used Animator for a while
@ntxdave said:
I am assuming that when you went to create the animation using the Animator plugin you clicked the Thea button. I have not seen anything like that happen but I have not used Animator for a while
If I did not press the Thea button then it would not have rendered with Thea, I did what I always do, use Thea animation with the Animator plugin selected.
Besides Thea, does Animator support other renderers? may be time to move on.
I remember for sure that it also supports Twilight Pro and Ambient Occlusion. Not sure which others.
Yes, I thought that is what you did (clicked). I guess I was "grasping at a straw" for an explanation but I know you are much more of a sage that that. Dumb remark/question on my pattern.
Hope you get this sorted out.
Did you generate the rendered animation from within Animator, or from Thea animation ?
I guess the best to understand what could be going on is to send me the model.
@fredo6 said:
Did you generate the rendered animation from within Animator, or from Thea animation ?
I guess the best to understand what could be going on is to send me the model.
I tried with Animator but for some reason that failed to do anything, I interrupted after 10 minutes only to find an empty folder, no images were saved so I then rendered within the Thea window and got the messed up result.
Here is the basic model with animation set up.
It has been a while since I tried anything with Thea but so far all I am getting is a black screen. No content!!
I am rendering it with Twilight though. I will share that when I am done rendering it (going pretty fast).
@ntxdave said:
It has been a while since I tried anything with Thea but so far all I am getting is a black screen. No content!!
I am rendering it with Twilight though. I will share that when I am done rendering it (going pretty fast).
You are getting a black screen because you do not have an HDRi in the illumination slot, the sun is switched off.
Still working on it Pete. Creating an MP4 with Thea did not work correctly and I had a problem trying to create a GIF. In the process again.........
I did not do a good job but at least you can see that both of these render engines will work correctly with Animator (if you know how to user the renderers).
@ntxdave said:
I did not do a good job but at least you can see that both of these render engines will work correctly with Animator (if you know how to user the renderers).
Interesting, I had someone on the Thea forums test it out and they also got an abnormal result, now I'm more confused.
@solo said:
Interesting, I had someone on the Thea forums test it out and they also got an abnormal result, now I'm more confused.
Maybe it has something to do with versions:
- Your skp file: SU Version 8.0.1
- I used SU: Version 2017 Pro
- I used Thea: Version TheaForSketchUpBundle_v1.5.07.480.1447
- I used Animator: Version 1.8a
- I used Fredo LibFredo6: Version 8.0a
Do not know if that will shed any light on things but maybe I have something in versions might make a difference. If there is anything else I can do to help (other than a nice clean render), just let me know.
@ntxdave said:
@solo said:
Interesting, I had someone on the Thea forums test it out and they also got an abnormal result, now I'm more confused.
Maybe it has something to do with versions:
- Your skp file: SU Version 8.0.1
- I used SU: Version 2017 Pro
- I used Thea: Version TheaForSketchUpBundle_v1.5.07.480.1447
- I used Animator: Version 1.8a
- I used Fredo LibFredo6: Version 8.0a
Do not know if that will shed any light on things but maybe I have something in versions might make a difference. If there is anything else I can do to help (other than a nice clean render), just let me know.
I have the most recent version as well as new LibFredo v8
I am using SU 2018 pro and Windows 10, I just saved model as V8 for those that do not have new SU versions.