SubD examples and models
@hornoxx said:
Here comes the ultimate German Technology to conquer foreign planets.
Somehow that does look very German indeed. Reminds me of Dix and Grosz.
it reminds me La Grande Vadrouille
Stinkie and RV1974 - you two get to the point
Niraj , HornOxx , Great work gents...
Thank you @tuna1957.
I saw this on the artisan website and wanted to try out SubD to model similarly. I am still learning and trying to understand the nuances of quad modeling and how quads get subdivided via SubD.
Let's call this "we're all different but play on the same team"
Hi HornOxx, your steel monster is definitiv cooler than all the competitors and a big fun and a great product presentation and, and, and...
If I had time I would love to throw a little bit MSPhysics over it and would like to see it's adventures on the dark side of the moon… -
Faust, thanks a lot and I'd be so proud (wie Bolle
) if you'd try to move that iron-thing
Please believe me - even at the first parts I thought of you and your skillsI'll look to pack this huge something on the DropBox (it's file sice is far too big even for the 3D Warehouse)
@nirajp18 said:
I saw this on the artisan website and wanted to try out SubD to model similarly...Nice model
For a clean and nice quad topology, you can try to eliminate these ngons...
@cotty so great to receive your feedback. I will be sure to correct the N-gons and re-sub D the geometry. Your work in this thread is an inspiration. Thank you.
German Technology conquers Foreign Planets!
InSight Mars Lander, Opportunity, Curiosity, Chang’e 4, etc… All Nonsense! Here comes the ultimate German Technology to conquer foreign planets. Robust, enduring and indestructible, made of thumb-thick steel instead of cola can sheet metal and carbon fibre something. Why a little glue only, where instead hundreds of thick screws are better. Microprocessor controling, developed in Japan or USA - also nonsense! This challenger here is controlled by THREE transistor tubes, that’s enough!
NASA, ESA, Roskosmos, China´s Space Agency etc. They should All dress warm!Although I think my monster is cooler than all the competitors named above, all this is just fun of course and the only real nonsense here
and I´m only playing a little with some funny more visual clichés - this steel monster, stuffed with an incredible amount of so pointless and useless detailings is a just for fun exercise only, which stretched out of control a little but was so much fun to do - Enjoy!
(Again: rendered with Enscape and Shaderlight)
Some recent SubD examples...
love these all! One example is more beautiful than the other - And I notice, that, as always before, the marvelous representation of wood (first picture) is a mark of your renders...
Thanks for sharing! -
Beautiful work as always, Cotty! Do you mind me asking what render program you're using? Very crisp.
Thank you, those are rendered with Indigo Renderer.
A little late night messing about..... Made the little curved piece down front, follow me then Vertex tools to get the twist... Now what ???? Copy around and you get a kind of crazy flower shaped fruit bowl !
love this "messing"
(btw "Messing" in German is the metal alloy brass)
@hornoxx said:
love this "messing"
(btw "Messing" in German is the metal alloy brass)
Thanks HornOxx. Curious would "fooling about" translate better
@thomthom said:
Btw, do you have some quad that are not fully QuadFace quads? I see some unexpected uneven edges in the back there:
[attachment=0:1mfg7n1x]<!-- ia0 -->2019-01-19_13h26_35.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1mfg7n1x]
This is the same strange behaviour I got last year with some meshes. Dunno why, but it seems that some vertices react as a 1.0 crease when subdivided although they are 0 when checked with the crease tool.
I usually delete the problematic edges and redraw the geometry from scratch when that happens. -
More late night fooling about / practice. Seem obsessed with what I can make out of copies of one piece. Made the piece on the left, copy _ array twelve times. Exploded and regrouped. Cleaned up the internal bits with Solid Inspector. Decided to flare the top a little more, as always Vertex tools makes it easy. There you have another crazy vase.
@tuna1957 said:
...Seem obsessed with what I can make out of copies of one piece...
be careful - there is such a high addiction factor
again a so nice (not fooling!) practice
(in the throat(?) above you end up with a triangle - I still do not really understand correctly whether triangles are no longer an obstacle in this kind of workflow, which they were at the beginning of SubD)