[Plugin] Shortcutter Beta
I have now found that on MAC using a shortcut somehow wakes up the plist and then
returns the array as expected.
BUT it still fails to populate the shortcutter dialog.
I suspect that the MAC string that is passed to the JS side contains characters that break it - perhaps we need to encode it Ruby side then decode it JS side ?
It contains special-characters for Option, Cmd etc - while on PC they would be Alt, Ctrl etc...
I recast a UTF8-without-BOM encoded version of the .rb so it outputs what it's sending to the JS...On MAC with SketchUp just opened [v2014].
When the the shortcutter runs it sends""
to the JS.
Which is rubbish !
BUT when I use just one shortcut !
It works thereafter...
["A\tselectArcTool:", "B\tselectPaintTool:", "C\tselectCircleTool:", "E\tselectEraseTool:", "F\tselectOffsetTool:", "G\tmakeComponent:", "H\tselectDollyTool:", "K\ttoggleDisplayBackEdges:", "L\tselectLineTool:", "M\tselectMoveTool:", "O\tselectOrbitTool:", "P\tselectPushPullTool:", "Q\tselectRotateTool:", "R\tselectRectangleTool:", "S\tselectScaleTool:", "Space\tselectSelectionTool:", "T\tselectMeasureTool:", "Z\tselectZoomTool:", "|\tviewPerspective:", "⇧Z\tviewZoomExtents:", "⌥S\t/Plugins/SketchUcation/My Shortcuts..."]
and when the the shortcutter runs the passed string is:
"A\tselectArcTool:\\nB\tselectPaintTool:\\nC\tselectCircleTool:\\nE\tselectEraseTool:\\nF\tselectOffsetTool:\\nG\tmakeComponent:\\nH\tselectDollyTool:\\nK\ttoggleDisplayBackEdges:\\nL\tselectLineTool:\\nM\tselectMoveTool:\\nO\tselectOrbitTool:\\nP\tselectPushPullTool:\\nQ\tselectRotateTool:\\nR\tselectRectangleTool:\\nS\tselectScaleTool:\\nSpace\tselectSelectionTool:\\nT\tselectMeasureTool:\\nZ\tselectZoomTool:\\n|\tviewPerspective:\\n⇧Z\tviewZoomExtents:\\n⌥S\t/Plugins/SketchUcation/My Shortcuts..."
BUT it still does NOT populate the dialog - so something is breaking the JS execute_script side...
I suspect these special MAC symbols -
FWIW, this is what I get on my Mac after clearing the Safari caches. I do have shortcuts established.
Yep, in MAC is it's foobar...
I suspect it's the special-characters that MACs use for the modifier keys...
Those will break the server's JS...
Gábor and I need to look at it tomorrow... -
I did try
myscuts = (Sketchup.get_shortcuts.to_s.gsub(/⌃/,'Ctrl').gsub(/⌥/,'Alt').gsub(/⇧/,'Shift').split(',').sort.join("\\n"))
which almost works on the ruby side if I encode the page UTF-8,
"AltT\tdoThreeDText;"\n "B\tselectPaintTool;"\n "C\tselectCircleTool;"\n "CtrlAltShiftT\tviewTop;"\n["Space\tselectSelectionTool;"
the last entry for Space is screwed up, and then I get a load error on the html...
Yes, the script must be encoded as UTF-8-without-BOM to be fully compatible with all versions of SketchUp - I was surprised it hadn't broken v2.14 Ruby2...
Try this
myscuts = Sketchup.get_shortcuts.sort.join("\\n").gsub(/#{'⌃'}/, 'Ctrl').gsub(/#{'⌥'}/, 'Alt').gsub(/#{'⇧'}/, 'Shift')
Should perhaps work for MACs ?
It is something like I am going to test with Gábor tomorrow...BUT... do you have any idea why on my MAC
- so thatmyscuts == ""
- unless I have used one shortcut before that, then it works ? -
The main problem is that in case of Mac we do not have the menu name at the beginning of each action, so the Javascript and maybe also the HTML has to be prepared first to handle this situation. The javascript populates the paragraphs based on the menuname what is missing in case of MAC. More tomorrow.
@tig said:
BUT... do you have any idea why on my MAC
- so thatmyscuts == ""
- unless I have used one shortcut before that, then it works ?on my mac it works from the off...
...and, I do have a 'hunch',
I may depend on some of your startup 'Preferences'...
I think SU is using these
internally for those as well and 'that' triggers the plist read...try enabling 'Auto activate paint tool' and see if they appear...
I can't get it to revert to 'not' showing...
@gábor said:
The main problem is that in case of Mac we do not have the menu name at the beginning of each action, so the Javascript and maybe also the HTML has to be prepared first to handle this situation. The javascript populates the paragraphs based on the menuname what is missing in case of MAC. More tomorrow.
We'll Skype on Monday morning [UK time] -
Version 0.2.0 is out now in the pluginstore. It addresses the MAC issue. MAC users, please test.
getting there...
@driven said:
getting there...
Thanks for the tests and advices. Now my only concern is: How does that
got there and what does it mean? Any clue? -
ruby returns this
on a mac
⌘ . . . . . ⌘ . . . Command, Cmd, Clover, (formerly) Apple
⌃ . . . . . ⌃ . . . Control, Ctl, Ctrl
⌥ . . . . . ⌥ . . . Option, Opt, (Windows) Alt
⇧ . . . . . ⇧ . . . Shift -
My fault...
Muddled up the modifier key coding...Preparing v0.3.0 which will fix the missing Ctrl !
Gábor - you'll need to redo the symbol mapping for Ctl/Opt/Cmd and Ashift ...
Update should be ready tomorrow...
OK, we will deal with it tomorrow. Now I have other stufff to complete. Sorry.
far more worrying...
I edited my Preferences to remove that one, as it didn't work anyway
[you can't even add them with more than one modifier anymore]after a restart, I'm back to a unfilled dialog...
removed and re-downloaded... still blank
are you modifying live?
EDIT: got them back...
it seems after removing a shortcut, the.get_shortcut
[TIG's issue...]
you have to make a new one and use it, before SU reports it and all the others...
very odd -
It would be great to be able to edit the shortcuts right inside SU.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
It would be great to be able to edit the shortcuts right inside SU.
It's among the plans for further dev.
Yes once we get it working acceptably on PC & MAC [coming soon
], then we plan to look at editing and 'syncing' of your shortcuts across your Computers/SketchUpVersions... but that's in the future...
Version 0.3.0 is in the pluginstore now. The new version addressed several MAC related issues found in 0.2.0. Please test. Especially MAC users.
Version 0.3.1 is in the PluginStore.
It address a known problem with MACs - where the native methodSketchup.get_shortcuts
erroneously returns[]
if you have not used a shortcut during that SketchUp session.
To prevent empty list getting made theShortcuts.plist
is now read in directly and the dialog is compiled using that data...Can you all please install this update in case it has broken something else - it has already been tested on various SketchUp versions, and on PC and MAC - but you never know...