[Plugin][$] JointPushPull Interactive - v4.8a - 30 Mar 24
NEW RELEASE: JointPushPull Interactive v3.6a - 02 Feb 17
JointPushPull Interactive 3.6a is certified for SU2017 and includes a few bug fixing in the generation of geometry.
See main post of this thread for Download of JointPushPull.
I've just download the JointPushPull and LibFredo 6 but I don"t see the JointPushPull anywhere. I have Mac and I'm working with Sketchup 2017. Can somebody help me with that?
Have you installed the files from the RBZs ?
Have you restarted SketchUp ?
Have you looked in the Extensions Manager to see that they are both enabled ?
Have you look in the Toolbars etc... ? -
Hey guys! I've installed the push/pull plugin, but the toolbar shows only J,V,N modifiers, and I can't find a configiration menu at all to add more tools, like X R and F..
I'm running Sketchup 2017, installed the lates version of the plugin and library, please advise! -
J'utilise actuellement SketchUp 8 free sous windows 10, depuis quelques temps déja et je suis très intéressé par trois de vos plugins que j'ai découverts par un tuto:
"Gratuit : Dessiner sa maison avec SketchUp de Denis Bolomier, tuto #49372"
J'ai essayé de télécharger les plugins "tools on surface", "joint push pull interactive"
et le libfredo6 5.9b au format rbz.
Je n'ai pas réussi à le faire car je n'ai pas trouvé l'endroit du téléchargement de ces plugins. L'anglais n'est pas ma langue habituelle, et le langage informatique non plus. Aussi si vous pouviez me donner le ou les liens pour télécharger, je vous en serais reconnaissant.
Bon et tant qu'à faire j'ai un deuxième problème: toujours dans le tutà cité au dessus, il est conseillé de télécharger "1001 bit tools". Ca c'est fait, il est installé, j'ai la barre des boutons mais quand je clique dessus il ne se passe rien. Je précise que j'ai bien coché la case "1001 bit tools" coché dans affichage/barre d'outils et qu'il apparait dans les "plugins" de mon SketchUp. Avez vous la solution pour remédier à ce problème? d'avance merci.
mon adresse mail: jeanclaude29mob@gmail.com -
Hi, I mostly use the vector push pull option, but i always have to set an interactivily custom direction so i can get the desire extrude.
So guys, is there a way i can bind a key (shortcut) to the interacctivily custom direction option.
The Idea is to work faster something like press V (open vector pushpull) then shift+v (set interactivily custom direction). -
Thank you so much for this plugin, makes life easier
A curious bug
If the "hole" is a component = bug
If the "hole" is not a component, that works!
Thanks a lot for plugin
dehşet thnx
thx for sharing
where can I download ??
Fredo, firstly thank you for non-stopping support of your tools!
- FPP: Is it possible to enable snapping on 'chamfer zero' (gif #1)
2.What causes this (gif #2) misbehavior of Follow PushPull? - There were long happy times when user (via mouse movement) was setting the JPP's direction. Now its +- in VCB that ultimately rules (which is VERY counter-intuitive)
Could you get back to the old style please?
- FPP: Is it possible to enable snapping on 'chamfer zero' (gif #1)
It's a fantastic plugin. Can it be made to inherit the layers it's push/pulling from like the classic version?
The VonZipper
Date: 13-Oct-17 23:26:00
An error occurred in Round Push Pull
Error in generation of the geometryundefined method `reverse=' for nil:NilClass
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 1473 -- geometry_rounding_mesh
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 1277 -- block in geometry_create_roundings
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 1276 -- each
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 1276 -- geometry_create_roundings
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 262 -- geometry_robot_prepare_mesh
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 206 -- robot_call_action
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 177 -- geometry_robot_exec
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 160 -- geometry_robot
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 75 -- block in geometry_execute
lib6operation.rbe: 332 -- call
lib6operation.rbe: 332 -- step_geometry
lib6operation.rbe: 374 -- start_execution
jointpushpullgeometry.rbe: 75 -- geometry_execute
jointpushpulltool.rbe: 892 -- go_preview_or_geom
jointpushpulltool.rbe: 698 -- dragging_stop
jointpushpulltool.rbe: 1320 -- onLButtonUpI Wish it`s will help you
NEW RELEASE: JointPushPull Interactive v4.1a - 23 Oct 17
JointPushPull Interactive 4.1a is a refresh of the previous version, with evolution in 2 main areas:
- Face selection process is now more natural, in the spirit of what is used for the native Sketchup Push Pull.
- The button palettes have been redesigned, with 2 levels of functionality
JointPushPull 4.1a requires LibFredo6 7.8 or above
For those who are familiar with JointPushPull, the main changes are reviewed in the video below
See plugin home page of JointPushPull for Download of JointPushPull.
Main Post of the JointPushPull thread on this forum
following from: https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=68433&p=626632#p626632
I took some time to explain why I think adding a "preserve quads" method could make sense to have in both JPP and NPP. I added in attachment the example .skp, in case this can be helpful.
I suppose there are quite a lot of people out there that uses JPP in combination with quad-friendly tools (Sub-d, QFT, VT, Curviloft, TIG extrude, Trupaint, and so on..)
I'm curious if someone else has encountered similar problems and if, maybe they found better/alternative/faster workarounds for theese situations.I've created a basic quad topolgy example, in which I extrude a faceloop with Regular JPP (both with borders = "contours" and border = "each face") and Normal JPP, to show you when it would make sense to have a "preserve quads" option.
QuadFaceTools live mesh analysis is activated, so you can see that when quad (not shadow casting) diagonals are present, all the three methods produces triangles instead of preserving the "diagonal" behaviour.Below you can see why this is not ideal for subdivision, as the triangles produces bad topology and smoothing artifacts.
Here you can see an orthographic top view of the same stuff, with monocrome style and edge visibility turned off, to emphatyze the smoothing artifacts.
With normal push pull you got an option to keep triangles, but still that doesn't preserve the "do not cast shadow" property, so that, even if the artifacts are less evident than the other methods, you can tell that the topology is slightly distorted. It's rather easy to fix this manually, just filtering selection for smooth edge (i use TT selection toys in order to do this quickly) then i check/uncheck smooth-soft/cast shadow in "entity info" dialog.
As you previously said, hopefully this is a rather simple (but effective) option to add, in order to automate the cleanup.What I'm not sure is easy to fix at all, would be the quad-managing behaviour of regular JPP, as you can see below, there are a few more problems, with both methods.
"Create borders for each face" also produces inner faces, wich completely screw the subdivisions.
Notice that in addition to smoothing artifacts, you get messed UV, due to the topology distorsion and the presence of triangles would cause, for instance, Trupaint "quad" method to fail.
Moreover selection of rings/loop is screwed and you'll have problems if you need to do furter modifications to the mesh or manually unwrap it, and so on..What I've found that DOES preserve the diagonals (at least in my experience) is regular JPP with "No Borders" option ticked.
Unfortunately, as you can see, it destroyes the surronding edges, so that some faces are lost.
Nevertheless, i think this method, is the best starting point for my manual workaround, which I'll try my best to show you, hoping that there's some little chance to automate/incorporate it in future developements of JPP.
The fact wich gives me some sort of hope, is that I use your brilliant Curvyloft to fix this, so maybe you could integrate some code from that.Let's start with fresh geometry: to prevent missing faces, I select the geometry I need to JPP->invert selection->include inner (hole) loop in selection!!->make first group.
Triple click the remaining loose geometry and make a second group.
Perform JPP "No Tickening - No Borders" (diagonals preserved-live mesh analysis ok!)
Select both groups->explode
Pick the outer loops and run regular curviloft (lowered from default 5 segments to only 1 segment)
Do exactly the same for inner loops
Final cleanup: Select both curviloft groups->explode->orient faces->run ThomThom QFT"UnsmoothQuads"
Not sure it easy/possible to replicate such operation in JPP but that would be a MAJOR improvement to the usability of JPP in organic/subdivision modelling.
But if it's not possible we have to tank you anyway because, as you can see, with some minor tricks and workarounds JPP and Curviloft togheter have tons of usefulness in this kind of modelling!
I guess this is possible for the offset quad-face pairs to keep them coplanar when JPP-ing them.
However, this is more difficult for the border faces. Anyway, not a piece of cake. -
Incidently, I relalized I have a strange problem in SU2016 and 2017. Basically, I don't see the "hidden" and "Cast Shadow" flags in the Entity Info.
In SU2015, this is fine
In SU2016 and SU2017, the flags are missing.