Vray 1.6 open beta
@halroach said:
c1. Is there a way to edit an imported proxy, change it's materials... or must one remake a proxy every time?
My workaround for proxy amterials disappearing: go into the group object that is within the proxy component, and directly apply all the materials of that proxy to some faces. That way, SU can keep track of the materials, and you don't lose them when saving or loading the proxy.
@cadfather said:
Hi Devin, sorry to bug you with this here, but i'm totally confused on this beta thing and had no reply at all from CG. is there a place to download this beta or only if you are accepted? and how do i get accepted if i can't get through to them?
thanks for any help!
Go to the ChaosGroup website - login (or create an account if you don't have one) and follow the links to apply for the beta from this page: http://www.chaosgroup.com/en/2/vrayforsketchup_beta.html
@thomthom said:
@cadfather said:
Hi Devin, sorry to bug you with this here, but i'm totally confused on this beta thing and had no reply at all from CG. is there a place to download this beta or only if you are accepted? and how do i get accepted if i can't get through to them?
thanks for any help!
Go to the ChaosGroup website - login (or create an account if you don't have one) and follow the links to apply for the beta from this page: http://www.chaosgroup.com/en/2/vrayforsketchup_beta.html
I did that on the 15th and received an automated response that included, "Our team is processing your application and you will soon receive confirmation to download the Beta builds." Never heard back from them. I have already downloaded the beta install.
@krisidious said:
Vray Beta is warning me when I open another instance of SketchUp that the program did not close properly and asks me to send a report. I believe this is happening because the other instance has not shut down.
When loading our plugin, we check our error log to see if we have our shutdown message printed in there. If we don't find it, we pop up the error message and ask you to submit a bug report. I'm told the bug report tool may be having issues... so... the error message is pointless at the moment...
I really dont know where to ask this question than i ask here.
Does vrayforsu 1.6 beta has some limitation or what cause i cant get more prepass in IRRADIANCE MAP than just one.
anteolic - I believe another user has submitted a bug report that sounds similar. Could you please send us a bug report at vfswip@chaosgroup.com ? We would like to hear details about your experience with this issue, to ensure that we rectify this for everyone's workflow.
Update. Misread an email and apparently I was approved for beta testing. So far so good and it loads up better than the previous version.
@anteolic said:
I really dont know where to ask this question than i ask here.
Does vrayforsu 1.6 beta has some limitation or what cause i cant get more prepass in IRRADIANCE MAP than just one.
There's an option for "multi-pass" (under "advanced options") If it's unchecked, you will only see one pass even though it is doing all the calculations. See if that is the case.
Hi all,
I'm having problems on windows 8 and SU8 latest MR.
-The RT doesn't update the sun and shadows position, and used on a havy scene it even crashed my computer by overheating (it turned off- first time this ever heppened with this machine- it's a sager notebook, wich I consider a very well cooled notebook).
-And seems to be a problem with the progress bar when RT is running, couse it never passes 1%. (I saw in the demostration video that it stays in 97 or 98...)
-The render needs much more memory than the older version and always runs out of memory in identical scenes that I used to render in the 1.49.01 version with no problems.
There are many other problems that I found as well. It's definitely unusable for me like it is now.I received a link for the video demonstrations of the new features, and I think the guy is using windows 7.It 's definitely running way diferent than in my machine with windows 8.
Does anyone had problems installing on windows 8?
If you haven't done so already, please send us a bug report about this. We haven't seen an out of memory error yet.
The RT render does not show a progress bar, because generally if you are using RT, you are trying to tweak materials or lighting, rather than producing a final render. It can produce a final result after a while, but generally it's used for previewing.
We have no known issues with Windows 8, and yes in the video the OS was most likely Windows 7.
@dkendig said:
If you haven't done so already, please send us a bug report about this. We haven't seen an out of memory error yet.
The RT render does not show a progress bar, because generally if you are using RT, you are trying to tweak materials or lighting, rather than producing a final render. It can produce a final result after a while, but generally it's used for previewing.
We have no known issues with Windows 8, and yes in the video the OS was most likely Windows 7.
Hi devin, thanks for the reply.
I think I found what was causing the memory crash.The file that was crashing had lots of ligths(spots and rectangular) from vray 1.49.01.
I tryed to render another file that I have, almost the same size as the one that was crashing(65MB), but with no ligths, only the phisical sun and sky,and high quality settings, and there was no crash. Actually the render was faster and had better image quality with same settings that 1.49.01.So it seems that the lights, at least rectangular and spots are not fully compatible.
I had no time to change all the ligths from the other file,to do a new test, but as soon as I can I'll post the results here.Other issue is that the RT is not updating the sun and sky position, but materials and camera are updating fine.
About the bug reports, I think there was a post already in this thread saying that an error occurs when trying to send it.That's happening with me as well.
the post I made about sending bug reports says the bug reporting tool isn't working well at the moment for some people, so email is the best way to submit a report to our bug tracker. SketchUcation is NOT the place to report bugs for our product if you want us to actually fix them. We also don't want bug reports in the Chaos Group forums. Forums are a horrible place to sort out bugs. Threads get sidetracked/lost/confusing... oh it's a nightmare! So please send us an email with bug reports. If you want to give fellow VfS users a heads up about a problem, and discuss a bug on the forums, by all means, go ahead. If you're trying to tell myself, or Joe (the other VfS developer) about a bug, we need a bug report or else more than likely it's going to be lost. The email address for bug reports is vfswip@chaosgroup.com
@dkendig said:
the post I made about sending bug reports says the bug reporting tool isn't working well at the moment for some people, so email is the best way to submit a report to our bug tracker. SketchUcation is NOT the place to report bugs for our product if you want us to actually fix them. We also don't want bug reports in the Chaos Group forums. Forums are a horrible place to sort out bugs. Threads get sidetracked/lost/confusing... oh it's a nightmare! So please send us an email with bug reports. If you want to give fellow VfS users a heads up about a problem, and discuss a bug on the forums, by all means, go ahead. If you're trying to tell myself, or Joe (the other VfS developer) about a bug, we need a bug report or else more than likely it's going to be lost. The email address for bug reports is vfswip@chaosgroup.com
I didn't know obout the e-mail adress, sorry. I'll send the bug reports to it than...Thanks
no worries, I just wanted to stress the importance of it. In the past we have had a very confusing mix of feedback sources, which ended up wasting a lot of time. We want to really tear through this beta at the highest efficiency that we can.
By the way, will there be multiple beta releases during these three months, or do you plan to adress all the bugs for the future proper release ?
there will be multiple beta releases prior to a final release.
@dkendig said:
there will be multiple beta releases prior to a final release.
Thank you for all your comments and help "dkendig".
glad I can help. Sorry I'm not able to be on here more often. We have a bit of work ahead of us yet. Keep the comments and reports coming though! They are a huge help!
@dkendig said:
glad I can help. Sorry I'm not able to be on here more often. We have a bit of work ahead of us yet. Keep the comments and reports coming though! They are a huge help!
I think we all prefer you working on the next beta release than lurking SCF all day long !
I am going crazy, i just installed the new vray for sketchup 1.6 beta, and every time that i apply a material on a surface the bugsplat screen appears, does anyone know why is this happening??