[Plugin][WIP] Layers Panel - Dev
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Also, I can't get my WebDialog callbacks to work if the dialog is not in a global variable. I tried local, instance, and class variables, nothing works. What am I doing wrong ?
If you want to change something from ruby to web-dialog you can do this...
In Html & Javascript:
<html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body onLoad="startup(), stopwatch(this.value);"> </body> </html> <script> var delay = 1000/5 ; #this will update 5 frames per second var timerID = false ; var test = true ; #this is the value you will change from ruby function startup() { nextFrame(); } function stopwatch() { SD=window.setTimeout("stopwatch();", 100); } function nextFrame() { try { test = test setFrame() ; top.timerID = self.setTimeout("nextFrame()", delay) ; } //try catch (e) { alert("push_frame; " + e) ; } } //nextFrame() function setFrame() { url = 'skp;push_frame@' ; url += '&test=' + test; window.location.href = url ; } </script>
In Ruby:
module SU_PLUG class PLUG @@model = Sketchup.active_model ; @@dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) # this plugin's folder @@path = File.join(@@dir, '/Folder/') @@dlg = "test.html" ; @@test_dlg = nil ; def initialize() @test_1_file = File.join(@@path, @@dlg) if @@test_dlg == nil @@test_dlg = UI;;WebDialog.new("Test", false, "Test", 300, 600, 70, 95, true) ; @@test_dlg.add_action_callback("push_frame") do |d,p| push_frame(d,p) end end @@test_dlg.set_size(300, 600) ; @@test_dlg.set_file(@test_1_file) ; @@test_dlg.show() ; end #def def push_frame(dialog,data) params = query_to_hash(data) ; # parse state information if params['test'].to_s == "true" #Example of a condition. change = false script = "top.test= " + change.to_s + ";" #this sets test=true to test=false dialog.execute_script(script); #this execute it end end #def def unescape(string) if string != nil string = string.gsub(/\+/, ' ').gsub(/((?;%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)/n) do [$1.delete('%')].pack('H*') end end return string end #def def query_to_hash(query) param_pairs = query.split('&') param_hash = {} for param in param_pairs name, value = param.split('=') name = unescape(name) value = unescape(value) param_hash[name] = value end return param_hash end #def end #class end #module
Hope this helps and again very good plugin!
Ruby uses 2 space indentation. HTML & Javascript 4 space indentation.
NOTHING uses 3 or odd number spaced indents ! -
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Also, I can't get my WebDialog callbacks to work if the dialog is not in a global variable. I tried local, instance, and class variables, nothing works. What am I doing wrong ?
See this other post: Re: Webdialog scripting issues
vars INSIDE methods as temporary variables. They get garbage collected when the method ends.Use
INSIDE modules or for class-wide access.Use
in class instance methods (define and init them inside theinitialize
method.) -
Thanks a lot, I'll try that.
@dan rathbun said:
Ruby uses 2 space indentation. HTML & Javascript 4 space indentation.
NOTHING uses 3 or odd number spaced indents !Only Python require a certain indentation - Ruby, HTML and JS doesn't care. It's just coding convention within the team/project you're working with.
Please, don't ever give up on this plugin, it'd save my life! I wish I could help
I won't give up !
I just don't have time curently. I will at the end of july.
No worries -
just posting so I'll get updates on this thread.
I made another thread to discuss the behaviour of the plugin : http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=52225
Feel free to participate
Thanks for your present!This is a great plugin, but I have a problem,I created a layer group,which contains a number of layers,but when I restart the plugin Panel,everything was back to the way they were,the group disappeared, the new layer still exist。
Yep, it doesn't save anything yet ^^
See the first post :@jiminy-billy-bob said:
ToDo :
- **Saving ! For now, every time you refresh the webdialog, or exit SU, the sorting/nesting disappears.**So it's useless as is.
It will come. Just not now
It's obviously at the top of my todo list. -
I just wondered if you had ever seen this, it has some nice ideas, to take forward
I did some work on the mac version, but Chris and Jim had already done the tricky bits...
Hey guys !
I finally got a working version (See first post for download). It saves sorting/nesting (Except group hiding/collapsing)
I still wouldn't recommand using it in production though, as it may produce bugsplats, and it still behave strangely with the undo stack.There are still a lot of bugs, so I need you guys to help me track them and getting methods to reproduce them.
I updated the first post with what's working and what's not.I don't think it works on mac, though I'm not able to test...
For now, I tested only on win7 SU2013 IE8-10, with no bugsplats so far.Feedback (about bugs or features) would be highly appriciated !
Once I hide a Layer I can't unhide it unless I nest it in a Layer Group
Great tool
woooot wooot!
@rich o brien said:
Once I hide a Layer I can't unhide it unless I nest it in a Layer Group
Great tool
Weird, it works for me on win8 with SU2013 and IE10.
Which versions of SU and IE are you using ? -
SU8 and IE10
I'll try it on SU2013
It works for me on win8 with SU8 and IE10. Do you have the same problem with a new file ?
If so, can you zip and upload your plugins folder ? -
Bit more info...
I've a starting template that loads with a layer other than layer 0.
If I toggle off visibility of this layer I can't toggle it back on.
If I drag the layer it then reappears...
Great, thanks for the video and infos. I think I see where the bug comes from. I'll try to reproduce this and fix it, and I'll let you know.