Grasshopper lamp
As always...brilliant!
Agreed! Care to let us have a look at the wall material?
You're a master in making fairly simple scenes look stunning...!
Thanks, Massimo.
so white = rough, black = smooth? For roughness slot?
Lovely work. Liking the wood block!
Beautiful scene. And I love this lamp.
@frederik said:
You're a master in making fairly simple scenes look stunning...!
Agree. The mastery in materials is responsible for this. Probably. Partly at least.
Thanks guys.
Oli it's a free sample by Bertrand Benoit. A bit low res though. -
Wow! love the render...
Glad you like it Allan.
In the More Settings I see saturation -50 but no inversion?
Really nice btw. Such a gifted talent for material setup.
That -50 in saturation is for the diffuse map and that "more settings" panel shows the settings of the tone mapping for the diffuse map. In the screenshot you can see to which map is related the "more settings" panel by checking the coloured "texture" button near to the texture in the main mat panel. The inverted spec map is in the roughness slot.
If you do left click on the "texture" button in solid mode view you can see how that texture is applied on the model. If you do right click then the "more settings" panel will appear.
Anyway here you have the ss for the spec & rough maps.
Hope I understood your question.
Very nice render, very realistic (although all this render-jargon stuff goes right over my head)
Curious tho - why is it called a Grasshopper lamp? Did Caine have one when he was training on "Kung Foo"?
Thanks Steve.
@unknownuser said:
Curious tho - why is it called a Grasshopper lamp?
Perhaps because it reminds a grasshopper?
@massimo said:
Thanks Steve.
@unknownuser said:
Curious tho - why is it called a Grasshopper lamp?
Perhaps because it reminds a grasshopper?
Well, that was my first thought. But I looked and looked at it and I just don't see a grasshopper there. Maybe a praying mantis?
Well, anyhow, really nice work.