Generate face from closed spline object
some other solutions
Bezier Splines
With Ferrari the PushPull Multiple can maybe problematic due the number of triangles!
It's more for a no coplanar closed curve! (tensile surface) -
Thanks for the explanation. A case where the tool is more capable than the description? Certainly something like yours should be a part of the description, at least for me, if they would like to personalize it.
@thomthom said:
Sandbox from Contours makes a point cloud from all the vertices in the selection and triangulates that. It does not adhere to the edges. You can see that when you feed it contours from a steep terrain and there's few vertices, the generated geometry will often create faces that intersects the contour edges.
Thanks, Pilou. I will try those also.
I think Pilou used Ferrari to skin the loop
Help us out here, Pilou, re: fredo6 BZ. Did you re-draw it or transform it or what? If I convert it to classic I have no option to face it (and I get a slightly different curve). (I know there are two sets of icons; interestingly my Cadfather set does not show a what looks like a facing option (for 'dogbone' or 'tbone') which the standard set has.)
For that matter, please help with the ferrari plug as well. I used it once wit the default settings and the curve as drawn and I got something seemingly useless. I undid all the way but the tool was inactive.
@rich o brien said:
I think Pilou used Ferrari to skin the loop
OK, thanks, Rich. I'm hoping he'll wander back here to fill in the gaps.
OK, Ferrari, too performs differently on the flat, and seems to have some quirks, but it did do a nice job with default settings on the flat.
Neat. Looks good.
"Is it double-paned?" said the horse's ass.
So many ways to skin a cat.
@unknownuser said:
Did you re-draw it or transform it or what?
Sorry I had token the F-Spline of Fredo6, draw it and close it before the last click with F9
So Surface is automatically created!That was for the left drawing
For the right drawing, I Copy Move only the curve (F-Splined) and calculate the surface with Ferrari!
That was very different methodsBut there are again a mystery, how see the hidden lines of the surface of the F-Spline of Fredo6 method
We can see sides by a push pull but the "top" surface ? (Maybe a future DOh ? ) -
@unknownuser said:
But there are again a mystery, how see the hidden lines of the surface of the F-Spline of Fredo6 method
We can see sides by a push pull but the "top" surface ? (Maybe a future DOh ? )Isn't it a plane face?