Forums' Future ?
With these recently announced changes to Sketchup I am concerned as to what will happen to the old Google forums ? [which, of course, we all know were never as good as SCF]
If they are to be recast and/or re-branded, then where does this leave all of use at the SketchUcation Forums ?I would think that a sizable majority of active Sketchup enthusiasts regularly use SCF.
It has always been independent and it has never been 'supported' by Google.
It was through the efforts of Mike and few other dedicated heroes that SCF grew from the ashes, after Google decided to close the old @Last-forums and replace them with a pale shadow, under their own banner.
Our SCF IS supported by many of us, who give our time, expertise and goodwill freely... which is something that I often think has never been sufficiently recognized by Google and so it might still go unrecognized by the new 'powers that be'. We do it because we love Sketchup, and of course we love SCF...Sketchup is more that some 'software' - it IS a thriving community of users.
The community's hub already exists at SCF, so I hope that this will be recognized in any future developments - there is no need to reinvent the wheel...This personal rant is in the nature of an open-letter to all SCF members and the 'owners' of Sketchup*** - where do you think the forums - that's both SCF and the other 'official' ones - should [or could] be heading
***They are not the 'owners' - just the 'guardians' of our aspirations...
This is going just fine here. No need for change, whether the owners are interested or not. Peter
The fact the John spoke to Mike directly (on the phone) about this, almost as soon as it went public, speaks volumes to me about SketchUcations value to the dev team... I would assume that there will be nothing done to endanger this place, and there may even be some semi-official aspect going forward.
Jason. -
This is a great forum. It would be a shame if it died or became subject to external "influence". At least being independent we can say what we think without fear of censorship and hopefully the new "owners" appreciate the positive contributions on this forum that help make SU so popular and guidance provided to the developers through the wishlists etc.
I personally felt quite isolated by the Google forums and it was a great relief to discover this place.
Yes, this place needs to just carry on as usual. I mean, what if the blushing bride decides to get another divorce some time in the future?
I agree, we should stay independent and a voice of the users and not the owners. We can be objective without restriction. Trimble can pay for advertising which will help fund this forum.
"Trimble can pay for advertising which will help fund this forum."
Excellent idea!
@solo said:
I agree, we should stay independent and a voice of the users and not the owners. We can be objective without restriction. Trimble can pay for advertising which will help fund this forum.
Would this forum still be considered independent if we were funding it?
. -
I agree! I never made the switch to the Google groups. SCF is my home away from home. I come here for support from the people I know and respect who are as addicted to SU as I am.
Long Live SCF....Hurah!
@unknownuser said:
Would this forum still be considered independent if we were funding it?
Probably not. But a few click through Trimble banner ads wouldn't hurt any ...
@jbacus said:
@solo said:
I agree, we should stay independent and a voice of the users and not the owners. We can be objective without restriction. Trimble can pay for advertising which will help fund this forum.
Would this forum still be considered independent if we were funding it?
.Not funding it, like all other advertisers, Trimble does not get a free ride, no representation without taxation.
But who am I to even talk, I'm just a moderator that gets to ban spammers, split topics, moderate (but there I'm just as bad as I go off on a tangent in the corner bar myself)
Indeed. This forum is far more than just a "forum". It is a hub. It's a repository of supercharged techniques, upgrades and modifications to take sketchup from a basic, border line mediocre tool and turn it into a tailor made heavyweight contender. So much so that Sketchup users can be divided into two groups, those who SCF and those who don't. This forum is home to free thinkers, artists and altruists. A place where national borders melt away and common ground is found in the shared desired to be creative. I hope this place stays exactly as it is. Independent and largely uncensored.
This forum, for me, is more than a community it is like a "community college". A place to learn and discuss and give support to those needing it and to those who provide it.
To John Baccus:
Not fund but willing donate $ and knowledge and buy advertising as some members here do:
Mike and his associates can make the decisions to accept donations which they feel would jeopardize independence.
oh.. and we should also still be able to talk about money,politics, religion and other thing we don't know much about yet have strong opinions towards.. when we get bored.
This forum and it's contributors really help the sketchup experience it cannot be over emphasized. I am staying put regardless, together we are an organized force to be reckoned with ! Trimble be careful we are legion.
It's nice to have an excuse to say what is obvious to all users here about the virtues of this place, and I'm grateful you have done it so nicely that I don't have to tax my brain to do so.
I'll just thank you all as well cause you are it and it is you, and ever the twain shall meet.
@jbacus said:
@solo said:
I agree, we should stay independent and a voice of the users and not the owners. We can be objective without restriction. Trimble can pay for advertising which will help fund this forum.
Would this forum still be considered independent if we were funding it?
.Independent in terms of running it? Or Independent in terms of economy?
@unknownuser said:
I've been on some other software forum where the mere mention of a competitor product had people up in arms.
as in, if I said something like "modo can do this faster" on scf (if scf were similar to the other forums) then everybody would jump on my case and possibly delete my comment.
as long as it doesn't go to that extreme then I think it would be great to have you all funding it.
expanding a little more on what i said aboveโฆ
scf, as it is now, is generally an open forum.. you can pretty much talk about anything you like which makes it a place where members are more likely to openly and freely share information..
if the ax dropped and we're only supposed to talk about sketchup and/or other trimble products then all of a sudden, the major contributors become, first&foremost, trimble's advertisers (unpaid ones at that)..
in that regard, the whole thing takes on too much of a corporate vibe and less of a forum and/or community.. I think you may alienate many of the top posters or definitely put a damper on what they're willing to contribute..
(but even if that is the direction these forums go in and you do in fact lose some current members, i'm sure others will come in to fill the void soโฆ whatever i guess..)
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
When Google "re-crafted" the original SU forum I just
and left. Some (short) time after I found SCF and never looked back. The very few times I revisited Googles SU forum I have always been disappointed with the answers, especially from Google's staff.
Never here.
Yes, SCF can withstand some tweaks, and many have been discussed in other threads, such as having a dedicated thread section devoted to only major plugins, so we don't have to hunt for that forum when we need help.
(yeah... that was mine)
And I think the level of advertising is just enough to be noticed, but not intrusive,
unlike most other boards I've been to.