Reverse operation of view.screen_coords
He can specify the view's inputpoint by using screen-coordinates (x,y) ?
And then get the inputpoint's position as a 3dPoint ??That way he can get the screen width as with y at 0, and x at 0 and screen-width, gives two points - he can get the distance between them, then that's the amount to shunt the camera's eye/target across to pan a whole screen in the x-direction ?
This 'proof of concept' pans the whole screen to the right [in plan is easiest to see...]
def pan_whole_screen_to_the_right() model=Sketchup.active_model view=model.active_view ip0=view.inputpoint(0,0) ip1=view.inputpoint(view.vpwidth,0) p0=ip0.position p1=ip1.position dis=p0.distance(p1) eye=cam.eye upp=cam.up eye.x=eye.x+dis tar.x=tar.x+dis cam.set(eye,tar,upp) end
Obviously you can make a more flexible method which could pan right/left and up/down as desired...
@tig said:
He can specify the view's inputpoint by using screen-coordinates (x,y) ?
And then get the inputpoint's position as a 3dPoint ??But my concern was that InputPoint will return a 3D point affected by inference, ie it snaps to mid points or something, based onthe 2D point.
I see the point.
Here's a fuller version that avoids that [can you think of a better way?]def pan_whole_screen_to_the_right() model=Sketchup.active_model ents=model.entities ants=model.active_entities pants=ents.to_a+ants.to_a hidn=pants.uniq.find_all{|e|not e.hidden?} model.start_operation('pants') hidn.each{|e|e.hidden=true} hgeo=model.rendering_options["DrawHidden"] model.rendering_options["DrawHidden"]=false view=model.active_view ip0=view.inputpoint(0,0) ip1=view.inputpoint(view.vpwidth,0) p0=ip0.position p1=ip1.position dis=p0.distance(p1) eye=cam.eye upp=cam.up eye.x=eye.x+dis tar.x=tar.x+dis cam.set(eye,tar,upp) hidn.each{|e|e.hidden=false} model.rendering_options["DrawHidden"]=hgeo model.commit_operation end
@tig said:
Here's a fuller version that avoids that [can you think of a better way?] [code]def pan_whole_screen_to_the_right()
Therefore we can substitute
p0=view.pickray(0,0)[0] p1=view.pickray(view.vpwidth,0)[0]
and get a simpler method because the ray's point doesn't get influenced by inferences and is made on the picture-plane, as it were...def pan_whole_screen_to_the_right() model=Sketchup.active_model view=model.active_view p0=view.pickray(0,0)[0] p1=view.pickray(view.vpwidth,0)[0] dis=p0.distance(p1) eye=cam.eye upp=cam.up eye.x=eye.x+dis tar.x=tar.x+dis cam.set(eye,tar,upp) end
Ah, yes! Of course - no need to pick anything. I forgot that the ray contained a point that could be used directly.
Two brains are better than one [at least our combined IQs add up to around the average!!]
I've already determined that my brain is on timeshare lease...
TIG and thomthom,
Do you guys ever sleep!!??
You gave me a plenty of assignment for the weekend; to digest all that you posted.For your info, I am attempting to model a 'plan viewer' for blueprints which will become framework for architectural components
Thanks guys
Just finished reading up on view.pickray method and ran TIG's sample code. At first glance it should have worked but does not. In executing each line, I find that p0 and p1 return same value as camera eye position. See Ruby Console responses below:
p0=view.pickray(0,0)[0] Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 8761.61) p1=view.pickray(view.vpwidth,0)[0] Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 8761.61) p2=view.pickray(0,view.vpheight)[0] Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 8761.61) p3=view.pickray(view.vpwidth,view.vpheight)[0] Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 8761.61) #<Sketchup::Camera:0x7ce5de0> cam.eye Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 8761.61) Point3d(3255.11, 1479.16, 127.281) cam.up Vector3d(0, 1, 0)
How could this be? I thought I understood pickray method but NOT
Off the topic note: where can I find instruction on how to annotate posting w/ codes, images, smiles, etc ...
I added some 'ruby' tags to make it clearer...
I hope this is not ALL of the code...
Have you set theview
and so on earlier ?
IF so... you don't use
My code is a working example....... -
@jpark said:
Off the topic note: where can I find instruction on how to annotate posting w/ codes, images, smiles, etc ...
There is a "hard to find" link on each message "POST A REPLY" page, in the right column, beneath the "Smilies" list.
Notice how the line "BBCode is ON" has a link ??
It leads you to a user guide for the code tags.
Most of these usable tags have toolbar button "inserters" already set up for you to use. You just click the button, it inserts the tag. and positions the cursor between the tags so you can type text (or paste text,) into them.
@dan rathbun said:
There is a "hard to find" link on each message "POST A REPLY" page, in the right column, beneath the "Smilies" list.
Now I'm enlightened
Thanks Dan
@tig said:
I hope this is not ALL of the code...
No this is an output of individual Ruby Console execution. This is my attempt to debug each line of your sample code to check each variable's current value. Programming is my hobby and I just picked up Sketchup and Ruby couple of months ago so I have a lot to learn.
Back to pickray method - All screen postions (ie p0, p1, p2, and p3) return different value yet pickray method of these points return identical 3D point as camera eye position but with different vector. How come?
eh.. TIG, I think we both did a brain-fart. We have to do a raytest - otherwise the ray will return a point which is based on the camera eye... because all
origin from the camera eye. -
Though, at 2:30 it's hard to process these thigns...
Here's a much better version that uses planes, lines, vectors, and takes arguments to change panning from right/left and up/down etc - allowing a toolbar button set to be easily made...
require 'sketchup.rb' ### Usage TIG.screenpan(1), where the argument can be either 1, -1, 2 or -2 ### 1=right, -1=left, 2=up, -2=down ### make 4 'arrow' buttons in a toolbar using the 4 alternative commands. module TIG def self.screenpan(direction=1) m = Sketchup.active_model v = m.active_view c0 = v.corner(0) c1 = v.corner(1) c2 = v.corner(2) c = e = c.eye t = up = c.up di = c.direction pa = [e, di] i0 = v.inputpoint(c0[0],c0[1]).position i1 = v.inputpoint(c1[0],c1[1]).position i2 = v.inputpoint(c2[0],c2[1]).position p0 = Geom.intersect_line_plane([i0,di], pa) p1 = Geom.intersect_line_plane([i1,di], pa) p2 = Geom.intersect_line_plane([i2,di], pa) vx = p0.vector_to(p1) vy = p0.vector_to(p2) case direction when 1 c.set(e.offset(vx), t.offset(vx), up) when -1 c.set(e.offset(vx.reverse), t.offset(vx.reverse), up) when 2 c.set(e.offset(vy.reverse), t.offset(vy.reverse), up) when -2 c.set(e.offset(vy), t.offset(vy), up) end end end
It works great and I actually understood your program steps. Now I need to dig into reference material to create tool bars.
Thanks for your help
Insert this whole block of code inside the mIN 'module' near the beginning - between
module TIG
def self.screenpan(direction=1)
Then put the whole of the code in a file called 'TIG-screenpan.rb' in the Plugins folder and restart...
Put your buttons icon .PNG files inside a subfolder in Plugins called 'TIG-screenpan'.
Name then as shown, for small/large icons, for each of the 4 buttons, 8 PNGs in all...
This is the menu code...### menu unless file_loaded?(File.basename(__FILE__)) cmd1=UI;;'TIG.screenpan_RIGHT'){self.screenpan(1)} cmd1.tooltip=('TIG.screenpan_RIGHT') cmd1.status_bar_text=('TIG.screenpan_RIGHT; Pan RIGHT..') cmd1.small_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan1-16.png') cmd1.large_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan1-24.png') cmd_1=UI;;'TIG.screenpan_LEFT'){self.screenpan(-1)} cmd_1.tooltip=('TIG.screenpan_LEFT') cmd_1.status_bar_text=('TIG.screenpan_LEFT; Pan LEFT..') cmd_1.small_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan_1-16.png') cmd_1.large_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan_1-24.png') cmd2=UI;;'TIG.screenpan_UP'){self.screenpan(2)} cmd2.tooltip=('TIG.screenpan_UP') cmd2.status_bar_text=('TIG.screenpan_UP; Pan UP..') cmd2.small_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan2-16.png') cmd2.large_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan2-24.png') cmd_2=UI;;'TIG.screenpan_DOWN'){self.screenpan(-2)} cmd_2.tooltip=('TIG.screenpan_DOWN') cmd_2.status_bar_text=('TIG.screenpan_DOWN; Pan DOWN..') cmd_2.small_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan_2-16.png') cmd_2.large_icon=File.join('TIG-screenpan', 'pan_2-24.png') ### toolbar=UI;;'TIG.screenpan') toolbar.restore if toolbar.get_last_state==TB_VISIBLE toolbar.add_item(cmd1) toolbar.add_item(cmd_1) toolbar.add_item(cmd2) toolbar.add_item(cmd_2)'Tools').add_submenu("TIG.Screenpan...") sub.add_item(cmd1) sub.add_item(cmd_1) sub.add_item(cmd2) sub.add_item(cmd_2) end file_loaded(File.basename(__FILE__)) ###