Shortcut to ungroup
I am using CTRL + G to group, but wasn't able to create a shortcut like SHIFT + CTRL + G to ungroup. Is it my fault or not possible?
It's called 'Explode'.
Select a Group.
Open Windows > Preferences > Shortcuts.
Filter for 'Explode'.
Select the command and set up your preferred shortcut...
OK/Save/CloseSome shortcut commands are context-sensitive - for example if you want to shortcut face-reversal you will need a Face to have been selected BEFORE opening the dialog for you to be able to see 'Reverse' as one of the available commands...
What do you mean with "ungroup"? Explode? You can customize your shortcuts going to window-->preferences-->shortcuts. Remember to select a group first.
When you select a Group the relevant context-menu IS 'Explode' on a PC - I'd be surprised if the MAC version were different, because you can select a combination of Groups AND Components and 'Explode' them all at once... what'd your context-menu say then ?
You may well have some third-party tool loading that adds 'Ungroup'... but it's not a native tool, and God knows what it does...
@tig said:
When you select a Group the relevant context-menu IS 'Explode' on a PC ... what'd your context-menu say then ?
No, my version is just German.
Okay, what do you have here (in the context or "right click" menu)?
or here (under the edit menu)?
For both, you need to pre-select the group first - and also you need to pre-select it in order for the available shortcut to appear in the Preferences list. -
I noticed the same!! In the shortcut menu 'Explode' is only available if you have already grouped an object! Maybe a bug.
Draw some objects and group through the CTRL+G and then go to the shortcut editor and search for Edit/Item/Explode. Assign the new shortcut. I used U for ungroup. It is assigned to another command but I took it anyway.
Greetings to Germany
@lecra said:
I noticed the same!! In the shortcut menu 'Explode' is only available if you have already grouped an object! Maybe a bug.
@massimo said:
Remember to select a group first.
@tig said:
Some shortcut commands are context-sensitive - for example if you want to shortcut face-reversal you will need a Face to have been selected BEFORE opening the dialog for you to be able to see 'Reverse' as one of the available commands...
@gaieus said:
For both, you need to pre-select the group first - and also you need to pre-select it in order for the available shortcut to appear in the Preferences list.
@lecra said:
I noticed the same!! In the shortcut menu 'Explode' is only available if you have already grouped an object! Maybe a bug.
No it isn't a bug. If you haven't selected a group or component, there's nothing to explode so it doesn't show in the context menu or the Shortcuts editor. It's supposed to work that way. There is a large number of other items that only show in the Shortcuts editor when something is selected on which that shortcut can be performed.
@lecra said:
I noticed the same!! In the shortcut menu 'Explode' is only available if you have already grouped an object! Maybe a bug.
In german it is called "In Einzelteile auflösen" and the possible bug is not in the contextmenu but in the preferences:
- If no group or component is selected, the entry is not there (see picture)
- If a group is selected, you can find the entry in the shortcut list
You misunderstand - 'Explode' [or whatever it's called in your locale] will only appear in the Preferences > Shortcuts filtered list IF an appropriate object is selected in the SKP.
You can 'Explode' Groups/Components [same 'Explode'] BUT note there are other 'Explode' tools too - for a selected 'Image', and a selected 'Curve' - these are both different 'Explodes'. So if you want to shortcut to Explode a Curve select an arc and filter for 'Explode' and then shortcut to that [using a different key-combo]. Then one shortcut key-combo will Explode Groups/Components, the other key-combo will Explode Curves etc.There are many commands that only appear in [context-]menus IF certain criteria are met - in turn these commands will not show on the list for shortcutting if they are not in the menu - so if you don't select a Group you don't see Explode in the list, if you don't select a Face you don't see Reverse in the list, if you don't select one Section-Plane you won't see SectionCutFace in the list etc etc...
It's quite logical ? -
@cotty said:
@lecra said:
I noticed the same!! In the shortcut menu 'Explode' is only available if you have already grouped an object! Maybe a bug.
In german it is called "In Einzelteile auflösen" and the possible bug is not in the contextmenu but in the preferences:
- If no group or component is selected, the entry is not there (see picture)
- If a group is selected, you can find the entry in the shortcut list
The short of it is, there is no bug.
@tig said:
There are many commands that only appear in [context-]menus IF certain criteria are met
Yes, I knew that, but I thought that in the general preferences there should be all possible entries independent of the model or the selection. So the general preferences are not as general as I expected... good to know