How to apply texture to follow the shape?
very awesome !
happy new year thomthom -
I want to do the same thing.
I've scrutinized the video for half an hour and I don't get this at all. I'm having a very hard time following the videos. Are there any text tutorials I can follow?
@agamemnus said:
I've scrutinized the video for half an hour and I don't get this at all. I'm having a very hard time following the videos. Are there any text tutorials I can follow?
The problem with any tutorial without sound (sometimes even with sound) is that selection of a menu item happens very quickly. The creator knows what is being clicked, but the observer has very little chance of figuring out what was done. As a consequence all the observer knows when it's over is that it can be done, but very little knowledge of how.
What would really help is for the creator to zoom in on what is being selected. -
@bob james said:The problem with any tutorial without sound (sometimes even with sound) is that selection of a menu item happens very quickly. The creator knows what is being clicked, but the observer has very little chance of figuring out what was done. As a consequence all the observer knows when it's over is that it can be done, but very little knowledge of how.
In this YT video, I added "timers" that pause the video (you can see the count-down at the top-left of the video and even click on the Play button if you do not want to wait) while there are also the annotations to read. Is this way of doing it (at least on YT) helpful?
[off:3thztvd6]BTW how about my new, "off-topic" bbCode? It adds the OT text a red border on the left[/off:3thztvd6]
[off:63n7wkaj]Can we have a Spam tag as well?[/off:63n7wkaj]
[off:35r8hidm]You have that ban button. Is that not enough? [/off:35r8hidm]
[off:3kmxdfrp]Only thing with this is that it's ugly[/off:3kmxdfrp]
[off:sfxlpw72]I was going to add a much more subtle (but all around) border but as it is styled now board-wise, it only adds the border to the text (rather narrow) and all images and embedded content "breaks out" of the context.
That's even more ugly. Suggestions for some nicer styling are welcome (as always). Also, I am actually trying out different things for the future only so any changes can still be made. [/off:sfxlpw72]
Who decides what's 'off topic' ?
[off:b39gd0xw]The poster ?[/off:b39gd0xw] -
@tig said:
Who decides what's 'off topic' ?
[off:3vyhubsh]The poster ?[/off:3vyhubsh]Yes. You are the poster, you apply the bbCode.
Or the moderator when editing a post...
Erm.... I still don't know how to do this.
Oh well...
[off:1ufahwrn]Off-topic in relation with Off-Topic (this makes it on-topic about initial discussion here, right? - but also, off-topic about the last discussions here
I had no idea that plugin exists, and it seems old, as is mentioned to be compatible with SU6.
Question: this plugin UV mapping results in a lot of textures for all faces, when exporting to some rendering software ? (like Maxwell?)[/off:1ufahwrn] -
It's as fresh as a teenager girl. Has just come out.
And yes, it can export nicely, in one piece, please, have a look at this post (especially the second video in it - and then the whole topic)
Great tool, thanx TT!
One question though: is there a way to automatically create quad faces on non-quadface planar surface (you seem to do it manually from 1:32 to 1:50).
Two classical examples are: extruded plywood chair (such as in your example), or follow me road.
I would like to avoid draw lines to make quad faces on the road surface or chair border. Is it possible?
It could be very long process, and your tool seem to do great complicated things (likely to 3DSMax), and this simple thing seems not to exist... Maybe not that easy to program though!! -
You can use Curviloft to generate connections between the two sides.
Just use "generate the junction edges (no face)" in the geometry options and then explode the result.And to texture these faces i would use Thrupaint...
@fabcn said:
Great tool, thanx TT!
One question though: is there a way to automatically create quad faces on non-quadface planar surface (you seem to do it manually from 1:32 to 1:50).
Two classical examples are: extruded plywood chair (such as in your example), or follow me road.
I would like to avoid draw lines to make quad faces on the road surface or chair border. Is it possible?
It could be very long process, and your tool seem to do great complicated things (likely to 3DSMax), and this simple thing seems not to exist... Maybe not that easy to program though!!Have a look at TIGs Split Tools:
(Note this is actually 4 small scripts that need installing to make them work.)