Happy Birthdy Rich O'Brien
Happy birthday Rich!
35? Just a kid...
Happy birthday Rich. -
happy birthday Rich. I still have 22 days left
Happy Birthday Rich. 35 bumps for you.
Yes, Enjoy and cheers!
Breithlรก Sona !
or even a Happy Birthday !!
35 my arse!!!! Have a good one and a good few pints of black.
Happy Birthday, 35 beers to be had at our next meeting!
Happy Birthday Rich.
(Please drink responsably. . .)
I talked to Rich today. He was on a family trim to Cork, some miniature railway place. His young lad was enjoying it as was Rich .... don't know about the Missus!
Dang... How did I miss this party...
Aahhh well... Better late than never as they say...Happy B-day, Rich...!
Congrats on your 35 year of life arrival !!
Happy new and long anniversary birthday party!God bless you!
Thanks to everyone (except Jeff, I have your address ) for the kind comments.
Here's where I brought the rugrat...
He loved it. He did return the favour later...
That looks liek a cool place for a we lad.... HB mate!