Report face surface
now i tried.
flyman -
Yesssssssssss, it work.
For surface in mq is ok but with two decimal like this "mq. 1234,56"
For orientation i have thought about this scheme: the value x y understood in the red quadrant brings value in "NE" , the value x y understood in the yellow quadrant brings value in "N" etc etc, but i don't know the language ruby and I am not able to resolve the problem.
Can you help me yet again ?
I see if I have a spare slot over the next few days...
It's relatively easy to format the area text to 2 dp.
You have come up with the N/S?E/W etc orientation testing I was expecting [I AM ahead of you]
...Meanwhile think about what you want in terms of an 'output' [e.g. a 'file' ??]
sorry bu i not understand "You have come up with the N/S?E/W etc orientation testing I was expecting [I AM ahead of you]
My english language is bad ,my scholastic studies are ago of many years.thanks
flyman -
I meant that you had worked out the orientation ranges that I had already drafted out...
I'll try and look at this for you tomorrow...
[What is you native language?] -
Thanks you very very much for your work!
I'm an Italian architect, helped by his son (that is writing this answer!)
@flyman said:
Thanks you very very much for your work!
I'm an Italian architect, helped by his son (that is writing this answer!)I shall post messages in English with Italian translations [my bad translation!] for you, from now on...
Devo postare i messaggi in Inglese con traduzione Italiana [la mia traduzione difettosa] per voi, d'ora in poi -
Here is my script that should do what you want - put it into the 'Plugins' folder and follow the instructions...
Qui Γ¨ mia script che se io dΓ che cosa volete - messo esso nel 'Plugins' e segue le istruzioni...c) TIG 2011
To use type 'relazionefacce' in the Ruby Console.
It makes a report of all selected faces.
By Reference, Orientation, Area [sqm to 2 dp] and Material.
This is printed in the Ruby Console.
If the SKP has been saved a TSV file is made with it and it is
automatically opened.
Note that all text is in Italian.Per utilizzare scrivere 'relazionefacce' nella Console di Ruby.
Si fa un report di tutte le facce selezionate.
Con Riferimento, Orientamento, Area [mq a 2 dp] e Materiale.
Questo Γ¨ stampato nella Console di Ruby.
Se il SKP Γ¨ stato salvato un file TSV Γ¨ fatto con esso e si apre
Notare che tutto il testo Γ¨ in italiano.Donations by PayPal to info @
Version 1.0 20110203 First Issue.
---RelazioneFacce.rb -
TIG - You are a hell of a guy! Your generosity is truly inspiring.
My 2 cents:
This one will output the same TSV file as TIG's, but sorted by orientation, adds a sub-total per orientation and a general total at the end.afflitto, non parlo italiano
I could NEVER expect a so "fast-in-make" and "match-to-my-desire" script!
You can't imagine how many hour I can earn by this script... Much, much thanks to TIG and to DidierBur!
This script-making-story has interested me in Ruby. It is difficult to learn? Because I had 20 years old a good experience in Autolisp (programming language for Autocad).
And, abusing of you time and kindness, are there any Ruby's manual-tutorial?Another thanks to everybody!
flyman -
I also had long time ago some experience with Autolisp and learned to program with it.
Some books including tutorials can be found here:
some links here:
some plugins links here:
and last but not least:
If you have some knowledge in Autolip and OO programming, Ruby is quite easy to learn (IMHO).
Regards, -
I'm always amazed at how quickly questions and requests get answered here at SketchUcation!
This script, modified a little, is serving me well as a way to get the areas of my master plan models. However, not being familiar with Ruby, yet, I wonder what it would take to do the following: sum the area each material.
To put it another way, I'd like a report that reads:
There is 460.33sf of material 01.
There is 230.15sf of material 02.
etc.And it would have to work with groups and components and exclude back-faces... that's the part that makes me hesitate to try to do it myself, not knowing Ruby, yet. What do y'all think?
Actually you can select a face with some material, then right-click and choose 'select all with same material', then display the 'entity info' window where you'll get the corresponding area. But that's a manual process.
I think it will be a good starting idea for you to learn Ruby. Download some scripts related to materials and start from them. -
The select all with same material only works in the current context, not in components and groups, but thanks for the suggestion.
Here is a quick script that sums areas by material. It doesn't dig into groups or comps.
To find areas of materials inside groups/components... [pseudo-coded]
txt="" model.definitions.each{|defn| insts=defn.instances num=insts.length next if num==0 mats=[] defn.entities.each{|e| next if not e.class==Sketchup;;Face mats << [e.material, e.area] } txt << num.to_s+"\n" mats.each{|m| txt << m[0]+","+m[1]+"\n" } } ###... puts txt
and so on to assemble a list of materials with areas within definitions. multiply by 'num' to get total area of all instances of each definition etc etc...........
@unknownuser said:
multiply by 'num' to get total area of all instances
Not that simple, don't forget that instances can be scaled... -
@didier bur said:
@unknownuser said:
multiply by 'num' to get total area of all instances
Not that simple, don't forget that instances can be scaled...
I realize that but he has to start somewhere -
This is great. Thanks everybody! Definitely a start that I can work with. At the moment, I don't need to worry about scaled instances of components, so I'll be able to use this and expand it's functionality as I need it. Thank you everybody.