[Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
on a curved surface is possible?
Ok im having an issue here, being playing around with it a few hrs now and getting no where, so heres where im at, i click on mesh from Heightmap button and i select the bitmap image, it asks for weight and i select it, then depth but its failing to allow me to select, i have the red guide line but it just wont click like when i select weight, i have lib installed, so i uninstalled it, re-installed it and now a message pops up saying its in the virtual plugins store and to move it into the plugins folder, so i did that and re-start su but getting the same txt again, im completely lost, any ideas??
Empty the Plugis folder's VirtualStore.
It's a sign of limited rights to the main Plugins folder...PC:
As an admin [if you are not one give yourself this ability using the Control Panel > Users..]
Select your Plugins folder.
Right-click > context.menu > Properties > Security > Edit...
Ensure each of the users/groups listed is given FULL read/write permissions...
These permissions changes should automatically trickle down to the contents too.
Select the SketchUp.exe file in the same folder as the default Plugins folder.
Right-click > context.menu > Properties > Compatibility
Then tick the box 'Always run as an administrator', Apply/OKMAC:
Plugins folder [HD one for v8 and User one for v2013] - properties > set FULL read/write permissions AND check the box to trickle the changes to all existing files and subfolders so current files are 'manageable' too...On a PC also ensure that your main Plugins folder does not have a 'custom-icon' 0 this can restrict even FULL permissions very subtly... AND that your user-name does not include any non-ASCII characters [e.g. accénted letters] - it's a well known limitation of the Ruby version shipped with PC SketchUp [up to and including v2013 at least], that file-paths containing non-ASCII characters can cause Ruby's 'File' operations to fail - thus preventing some simple download/processing in your ..Users../AppData../Local ../Temp folder-paths...
Also check that you do NOT have an overzealous anti-virus app that stopping the download/processing of file from sketchucation.com... -
Thanks TIG, ill try this out tomorrow and get back to you if i get it working
Ok i got the Lib thing sorted but im still running into that issue where "mesh from heightmap" wont allow me to select depth, still confused, anyone else had this issue and solved it?
Playing with it is cool, but there's a huge "BUT"
from two bitmaps I used in single SU file (400x400 & 200x200) it made my file 60MB big! It's much to much. My PC handles aprox.100MB files, but they're almost uneditable and hard to use. So what do we need this plugin for? Maybe some small not complicated architectural details? Simple scenes?
@iichiversii said:
Ok i got the Lib thing sorted but im still running into that issue where "mesh from heightmap" wont allow me to select depth, still confused, anyone else had this issue and solved it?
? Can you describe your process?
@fredziarz said:
Playing with it is cool, but there's a huge "BUT"
from two bitmaps I used in single SU file (400x400 & 200x200) it made my file 60MB big! It's much to much. My PC handles aprox.100MB files, but they're almost uneditable and hard to use. So what do we need this plugin for? Maybe some small not complicated architectural details? Simple scenes?
400 * 400 = 160000 (that's just tiles - but these have to be triangulated, so the actual number of faces generated will be 320000)
If you use a render engine that support proxies you can generate a high res mesh and generate a proxy object of it and use a low res mesh in your model.
i needs plugin Bitmap To Mesh for sketchup 2014 ,help me
@tosudatma said:
i needs plugin Bitmap To Mesh for sketchup 2014 ,help me
It should work for SU2014. Download latest from SCF PluginStore or the Extension Warehouse.
Or have you already done that and found errors?
I cant figure this out, been trying for ages and cant make the plugin seeable from the plugin menu even after installing the extension.
running win7 with trimble 8.0.151158
I can get other plugins to work perfect but the TT_Lib2 not showing or the bitmap to mesh either.
any help please
This plugins doesn't add menus to the Plugins - it adds it to the Draw and Context Menu. See the description for details.
Is it possible to take a closed loop of edges, and fill them with a bitmap?
Kinda like the Soap Skin & Bubble plugin douse. -
Like a height map, or making faces out of each pixel?
@iichiversii said:
Ok i got the Lib thing sorted but im still running into that issue where "mesh from heightmap" wont allow me to select depth, still confused, anyone else had this issue and solved it?
I was stuck on the exact same problem and was able to make it work by changing my steps to:
- File > Import...
- Navigate to your image file, select it and click Import.
- Place and size the image in SU.
- Right-Click on the placed image and select Mesh from Heightmap.
- Pick depth by clicking somewhere on the blue axis above the image.
- The plugin will take some time to index the points and generate the mesh.
May have something to do with file format. I don't know.
Thanks thomtom for a great plugin. I am trying to use it to generate terrain from downloaded TIF heightmaps. Still trying to figure out what size image is doable.
@thomthom said:
Like a height map, or making faces out of each pixel?
Yes like a height map (if i understand what a height map is correctly
If i have a spesific face that i have to work with, and it represents a water surface:I woud like to add small waves to that face like Mistro11 did in this post
Is there some way to bound the bmp to that face? -
Why not just make the mesh from a rectangular bitmap and trim it to that shape after?
The mesh would be incredible dense. Are you rendering the image eventually? I'd then put use the render engine and apply the bitmap as a bump map or displacement map instead.
@dave r said:
Why not just make the mesh from a rectangular bitmap and trim it to that shape after?
@tt_su said:
The mesh would be incredible dense. Are you rendering the image eventually? I'd then put use the render engine and apply the bitmap as a bump map or displacement map instead.
I agree with both of you. Trimming it or rendering it would be a solution. But still i am curious if it is possible to bind the bmp to a face.
This plug in is amazing, thank you so much.
But it took me a long time to find, I suggest in your extension warehouse keywords you add "Displacement Map" or Displacement baking and similar stuff to help others find it.