[REQ] triangulation ruby
I have no idea how easy this is to make, but I'd really appreciate if anyone could take a stab at creating a ruby that can triangulate all rectangular polygons to triangles.
If possible to have a few different triangulation options, see image.
If possible can it triangulate with say 1,2,3 iriterations as well as 3 different patterns?
The reason I'd like this is for a new 'organic' modeling method I have brewing.
thanks for consideration.
Could you guarantee that all quads are truly quads in your process? ie, not actually triangles with an inner edge smoothed so it just looks like a quad?
If this really only needed to be developed for quads, then yes, it should be quite do-able I think.
i think TIGs written such a plugin already, called something like triangulate.rb im sure a quick search will throw up some results. It wouldnt do your different methods of triangulation but its a start.
My triangulateQuadFaces.rb already triangulates quad faces successfully but always from vertex[0] to vertex[2].
It's here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=201025#p201025
You seem to want a subdivide option on top of that?
My [and CJP's and TT's!] triangulateFaces.rb triangulates any face successfully but is 'messy', just like auto-fold ! http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=175613#p175613 -
TIG, you are correct, I want to use it with the SDS plugin, the current triangulation does not work well on all shapes, so if I had more ways to triangulate before subdivision the better and smoother results I can accomplish.
TIG, I downloaded both the ruby's and they work great for triangulating quads, and they seem to triangulate differently from each other (I did a test with a box), however they only split the quad, so they can only do 1 iriteration. Now id another ruby can be added to split a triangle into two, that would be awesome.
Or... one ruby with an options panel, thus incorporating all triangulation/splitting ruby's into one.
The 'basic quad' version always divides a four-sided face from its vertex[0] to its vertex[2] wherever they are.
The 'general' version triangulates quads and upwards, but this uses the API mesh methods to divide the faces - this seems to take a face and divides it up from the first vertex it finds - which might be nearest the camera ? Therefore the results can differ...They have a built in check and ignore any three-sided faces as they are already triangulated.
You could run [a yet to be invented script] 'subdivideAndTrianglulateQuadFaces()'...
Which subdivides each quad-face into a triangle [AND beyond], which is overlaid so that you have your 3/4/5th option for the subdivision: however, your 6th version needs to be done to the quad first as it becomes 4 quads then subdivided [its sibling is type-4]...It's quite possible - any other ideas before I sleep on it ?
Yea, that sounds awesome.
If it can group after triangulation that would be very handy when you need to SDS just parts of a model/mesh.
other opcion is subdivideSelected.rb (in English) of wikii.
has two options.
- division triangular
- division rectangular
So, if your Mandarin is up to it, then it might already exist ?
Anyone able to translate that ruby? is it free? how can I get an English version?
hey Pete,
wikii is a member here and i think that tool is included in SUtools?
the download link is missing now though.. maybe PM him?
[edit] oops, fixed link.
the plugin is free and simple of traslate
Could somebody post a link to the ruby? It looks like a plugin I could use as well.
s -
Here's a tweaked version of it, I've given it a Plugins submenu 'Subdivide Selected' with the two options of 'At Vertices' and 'At Mid-Points'.
I also made a few minor adjustments and moved the midpoints def inside of the main def wrapper to avoid clashes with others...
Seems to work fine.
Hope wikii doesn't mind...
subdivideSelected.rb -
exelente tig. thank you very much.
Maybe, Jim can add this option to plug protrudes, NO?
Thanks TIG. Plugin works great for me. Curious to see Pete's new SDS method.
Thanks a bunch TIG, this should do the trick.
Adam, I am planning to use this division with Sculpt tools and SDS. Sculpt tools works great for moving vertices on pre-divided meshes, I feel like I have more control over what to expect from the subdivision now.
Moved the thread to the Developer's forum. We have reorganized so that the Plugin section is only a list of plugins you can download and use.