That worked great!
That worked great!
Hi, I know this has been asked before but I can't find the answer.
I want to take a rectangular group (barrier rail) and break it up into multiple random groups so I can drive a truck into it with msphysics.
My own version of crash testing a bridge barrier rail for a presentation. (The idea is for the rail to fall apart where the truck hits it.) I tried convexify but it doesn't work on a basic shape.
Hellooo, I just recently got approved to sell tshirt designs on Amazon! You ask to be invited and then 2 to 8 months (in my case) later you get accepted. You start out at 10 tshirt designs, if you sell 10 shirts, you move to 25 designs, then 50, etc. You can only put up one a day and so far I have four designs up.
I have been using sketchup to make some of the designs and I thought maybe you would like a look? (I believe these are only available in the US?) I like the idea of passive income streams and hopefully I can put up some good designs.
Thanks guys! It was my second attempt and I know I need to improve.
More stuff
A backyard bridge
A couple more "odd" t-shirts. No offense to anybody! (I'm making a male version of the uncivil engineer as well)
I haven't posted for a long time. Made this for fun and to prove I'm still around!
I also started making odd T-shirts for engineers....
The word for October was "Fright"
Here is the website for the contest.
I think this will be my last contest, I just don't understand how they judge the winners.
These are the winners. (My entry was a robot of course. )
The contest for September has been posted. I did use sketchup in my entry in the post above. So this is sketchup related, maybe, sorta
I would be interested to hear who you thought won this time?
These are the winners, what do you think? (Am I a sore loser for wondering how they pick the winners.)
Kristen Adam , Carrie O'Neill
So this one for the contest word "Swift" or my previous Trailer Swift?
"Painted" on a five year old ipad 2. I am thinking about buying an Ipad Pro...
Sorry to be a posting bother...
So I put all my Bridge Building robot books on (all Free downloads)
If you have comments I would like to hear them. Like I said, I think further books are on hold until I can figure out what to do next....
The word for the next "DrawThis" contest is "swift". I may enter a watercolor instead of a sketchup image?
Quick pig sketch