[Obsolete] BZ__Arc for BezierSpline 1.2
Cool Plugin. thanks.
PS. I think we need a smilie emoticon of hands clapping in thunderous applause for just these types of occasions.
@cadfather said:
Hi Fredo, i could be wrong but it seems BZ 1.2 only works with the default su7 installation
if i have SU installed in a different folder the tool will start but it will not draw a line upon clicking..
(i have multiple copies of SU one for working, one for experimentation)
You are right. BezierSpline asumes it is located in the default Sketchup Plugin folder.
For FreeScale and LibFredo6 I have arranged to support alternate folders however, provided you configure Sketchup for an alternate folder (via script acting on $:).
When I refresh Bezierspline, it should work.Fredo
Moderators, shouldn't Fredo's name be highlighted in a different colour on this forum, or something, like the names of other people who distinguished themselves in some way? He obviously is some kind of demigod at the very least but has an appearance of a mortal.
maybe in neon
Thanks Fredo, is there no way to make it folder independent? or perhaps specified in a txt file?
@unknownuser said:
Moderators, shouldn't Fredo's name be highlighted in a different colour on this forum, or something, like the names of other people who distinguished themselves in some way? He obviously is some kind of demigod at the very least but has an appearance of a mortal.
On my machine if one enables the sound every time you hover your mouse over his name you get a choir like "halelujia" sound clip.
that's amazing - i've got aretha franklin's 'Fredoo'
Thank you very much..! Fredo..
@solo said:
On my machine if one enables the sound every time you hover your mouse over his name you get a choir like "halelujia" sound clip.
Off topic
I assume that it's only mods who can get direct access into a user profile, when clicking the username...
Being a "regular mortal" nothing happens when pointing on a username... -
Thank you!
Wow! Thia is amazing. Thanks for sharing this cool script.
thanks Fredo.
one question : how do u convert polyline to polyline arc corners?
just an idea
Group your existing curve
use polyline Arc corner and redraw points over the curve
kill the group et voilΓ
Not sure that is you want that -
@tonyl said:
one question : how do u convert polyline to polyline arc corners?
Right click on the polyline and choose: convert to polyline arc corners.
Daniel S -
yes maybe more speedy
hey guys,
thanks for the pointer.
thank you for your info
Alas! I've loaded BZ_Arc.rb into the BZ_Dir_12 folder and the icon files into IMAGES_standard and IMAGES_CadFather but still get only the original icons and no context command.
Moreover, it seems that BoolTools icons have become blanks!!
As you are on Mac, there maybe some specificities that have never been signaled by Mac users.
Just to understand more:
before you dowloaded and drop the BZ__Arc extensions, did you have a correct behavior of Bezierspline (i.e., icons, contextual menu, all extensions available), and possibly presence of the BoolTool icons?
Can you also check you do have the version 1.21 installed.