[Plugin] Boolean--OSCoolean (Dec 2013) for SU 8 up free ver
It IS in the Recent list in the PluginStore.
As a Windows user ensure you have IE Internet-options set to clear its cache on closing...
If old data gets stuck in IE you can find that the dilaog entries are formed from cacahed data on your PC ? -
Yes it is in the recent list but it was not shown as an update in "My Plugins" and just wanted to report.
Did you download/install the previous version from the PluginStore ?
If so the Update should have been signaled...
But if not 'we' have no way of knowing what you might have previously installed manually - so not notification would be expected... -
Yes, I did.
don't work! as usual ..if sombody look for good boolens -> http://www.smustard.com/script/BoolTools
Works perfectly for me.
I do have a problem with this plugin ...
Pls. have a look at the attached file!
I would like to subtract "sub_1" and in a second step "sub_2" from "main".
But unfortunately it does not work ...
Many thanks in advance!!!!
The problem isn't with the plugin, it's with your model.
It is very small and has hundreds of tiny segments/facets.
SketchUp's tolerance can't cope with making geometry <~1/1000th"...
Two points defining the ends of a tiny line can be deemed to be coincident and then no line gets created, and then its face can't exist etc...If you scale everything up x1000... it will then 'subtract' OK.
Afterwards scale down 0.1 and 0.01 [two steps] so it's back to it's original size... OR use the tapemeasure tool and pick two points you know should be 10mm apart and then immediately type 10mm and reply Yes to scaling etc... to rescale back...Tiny geometry can exist [like after scaling down] but it can't be made initially.
1000 thx!
Hello TIG
I would like to know that is the SketchUp's tolerance matter be solved if I scale everything up x1000, then do the boolean lastly scale everything down in the OSCoolean for every cases, please?
I wonder too.
But is it not possible to bump vertices position out of Sketchup's tolerance while scaling geometry ? That must affect intersections and such too, not only the factor of edges length.
Still trying to wrap my head around this..
It will usually work.
BUT remember that SketchUp also has issues in the other direction - so both very tiny and very gigantic sizes can cause issues...In my recent Pro only 'CutNfill' tool I used a scale-up/intersect/scale-down, but only if the processed object's bounds.diagonal are smaller that a specific size [of the top of my head I think it's 100.m].
That way I never make it so big that I get issues in the opposite direction from 'tiny'...Because your tool is used on a wide variety of forms... perhaps you could have a scale factor of x1000 for very tiny objects, x100 for medium size, x10 for large and x1 for overly large...
For me, it was working for SU8 but not 2013.
I removed some plugins from the SU2013 plugin folder and identified sketchyphysics as not compatible with OsCoolean.
It may happens with other plugins too because of badly named variables usually. -
SketchyPhysics and some other 'rogue' plugins are know to cause issues, because they mess with native classes/methods ill-advisedly... sometimes messing with the way some Group methods work, others have Observers that can cause issues too...
Then an innocent third-party plugin can fail or even cause SketchUp to BugSplat [it's usually a 'rogue' observer that splats!].There's a rogue / quarantine list...
So make some special Plugins folders with only sketchyphisics, Windowizer,... inside!
Just careful to not lost the original Plugins folder!
Hi, does your extension work in SketchUp 2014? I have successfully installed it, added buttons to my toolbar but I can't use it in any way. I tried making my objects to be groups and components, I tried selecting them first and tried clicking on plugin's button first. Nothing ever happens.
What am I doing wrong?
I would greatly appreciate your help! -
In addition to my previous comment: in case that this plugin does not work with SketchUp 2014, does anybody know where can I download SketchUp 2013? It is no longer hosted on official downloads page
Thanks -
All versions are available to download http://www.sketchup.com/download/all
If you PM the author with some useful data, then he might be able to easily update his plugin to be v2014 compatible.
Unfortunately you decided to give none of us any clue at all as to the errors you encountered.
Naturally these might be helpful when formulating a fix...
This particular plugin is encrypted as rbs, so we can't see what it's doing internally...
But most Plugins can be easily updated and re-encrypted to suit all SketchUp versions...