I'd like a full-screen viewing mode, and a few more rendering options (i.e. shader settings for materials). And yeah, selecting vertices would be useful
@wacov said:
And yeah, selecting vertices would be useful
I think it would be fantastic to have both - the current selection mode (where you can select all geometry) and specific selection modes, which let you highlight faces, edges or vertexes only.
@wacov said:
I'd like a full-screen viewing mode, and a few more rendering options (i.e. shader settings for materials). And yeah, selecting vertices would be useful
Cool, I like the idea "For the free version especially".
Any more news about Sketchup 8? Haven't been seeing new post's lately..
Nope, its been as quiet as ever.
@remus said:
Nope, its been as quiet as ever.
Cool, must be a surprise awaiting to come. I like surprises.
Here's my wishlist:
Curved text tool
Artificial lighting (lighting components give off light) - I know that's a big ask
Fix the (still existing) bug that doesn't allow exporting animations at 16:9, only 4:3 which is terrible!
Fix the buggy .dwg importer
Better search in the Component Browser (local, not internet)
Better general performance overall
@dragon029 said:
- Plug-in window? (similar to the 3D Warehouse window but shows popular plug-ins, etc)
SketchUp App Store (?)
A centrally organized repository (like it is standard in linux) of plugins with easy install and update.- search plugins
- try out plugins
- and eventually uninstall
It is sometimes frustrating to test new plugins when I have already many installed. Unzip, copy files into plugin folder, close SketchUp, restart SketchUp, search the plugins in the menus. Especially for uninstalling I have to search which files belong to which plugin because the file names often don't correspond to the names in the menu.
An option to re-load plugins without restarting SketchUp would save a little time.
My wish-list would be as follows;
- Better management of layers!
When a group or component is highlighted, the layer it's on really should highlight in the layers window. How many times do I start a new group on the wrong layer? Also iron out the bug (is it a bug or just me?) that prevents some entities not moving to the new selected layers, even though they have been selected to do so!
A proper chamfer/ fillet tool (with a push/pull style controller- ala SpaceClaim), rather than that goddamn awful ruby script, which always goes the opposite direction to what you want it to!!
New Ruby scripts to be dropped into Ruby Console window, and SU places them automatically (rather than tearing one's hair out trying to figure out why they don't work).
SketchUp for Linux (so the next computer I buy, is a (cheaper than a new Mac), PC, running a free operating system!)
I'd be happy just for these for now
@tfdesign said:
- A proper chamfer/ fillet tool (with a push/pull style controller- ala SpaceClaim), rather than that goddamn awful ruby script, which always goes the opposite direction to what you want it to!!
Are you using this plugin for filleting/chamfering ?
There were a few dodgy ones before this but i've found this one to do everything i need.
@remus said:
There were a few dodgy ones before this but i've found this one to do everything i need.
Thanks Remus. I'll give it a spin. I was having so many problems with getting certain plugins to work, that I had decided not to use them, but I will give this a try, because it is such a useful function to have.
The 2D Toolset includes a fillet/chamfer tools that works in 3D too...
@tig said:
The 2D Toolset includes a fillet/chamfer tools that works in 3D too...
Oh cool! Thanks TIG
I'll have to have another go. I'm going to have to try out SU Animate as well during the next week, because I've got to do a 3D SketchUp 'walk-through' in front of an audience, Sunday week. I'm a tad apprehensive as this is the first time I've had to do this (apart from at university- and even then, they were stills in Powerpoint).
-Built in Sketchy Physics
-The ability to pick a Color from an existing colored Surface on Mac like you can do on PC. -
@sketchymac said:
-Built in Sketchy Physics
-The ability to pick a Color from an existing colored Surface on Mac like you can do on PC.dunno about your first wish but the second one works on mac.. two options:
one, use the magnifying glass icon to sample any color anywhere on your screen (sample a single pixel if you choose).. it's like this for all mac apps that use the standard color picker.
also, while the brush tool is selected, push โ and an eyedropper will replace the paint bucket.. use that to sample any color or texture within the SU window.
[edit] and a little clarification as to why you might sample a color with the magnifying glass vs the eydropper (besides the fact that you can go outside the SU window with the with the, you will be sampling a color exactly as it appears at the moment.. (depending on the orientation of the SU model and the shading, your green may appear dark green etc..). with the brush tool/eyedropper, you'll be sampling the base color regardless of the SU shading. -
Rotation gizmo - It would be nice to be able to rotate each object using a gizmo (or whatever it is called) like in other programs such as Maya or Max. It would be faster and more efficient than the current rotation method where we need a plane/surface. Having a bounding box similar to the scale function in Sketchup for rotation would help. Thanks.
Hi Ken,
I do not know any other 3D application (this of course, doesn1t mean there aren't any) whose Rotate tool would be as intuitive and easy to use as in SketchUp.
Just hold your left mouse button after you first clicked and drag it around to establish the axis of rotation (there is no need for different planes and such).
Then release, grab the model anywhere and Rotate. Every gizmo I have used so far is so much clumsier than this. -
Having a gizmo for SU would be yet another dimension of manipulation, such as the gizmo's that Blender uses. The effectiveness of Blender's gizmo is that it is not preempted by increments of distance or nearest inference point while moving along x, y, or z, scaling in x, y, or z or while rotating. These abilities are also seen in 3dVia's demo. But-- it's all a matter of what you are used to.
Full Screen Mode. (Without scene buttons in the way at the top too).
With the ability to split off the full screen to another monitor (if your PC supports that). This would be great for presentations (as I found out yesterday!).
Another handy feature would to be able to instruct SU, which way the camera swings when moving from scene to scene, because at the moment it predicts, and this can be rather vomit inducing- if you're not using a lot of transitory scenes.