[Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
Thanks! The update works great. I love this tool as I would not be able to do what I want without it.
Please, in the next release, make "Redo last change" to quickly compare changes when editing control points.
Hello!! Tell me why I can not install the plugin
BezierSpline 1.9a. It does not appear on the toolbar, although it is installed. I can not understand what's the matter, the side plugins work.[img][img][img][img][/img][/img][/img][/img] -
@sashagas said:
Hello!! Tell me why I can not install the plugin
BezierSpline 1.9a. It does not appear on the toolbar, although it is installed. I can not understand what's the matter, the side plugins work.[img][img][img][img][/img][/img][/img][/img]LibFredo is installed too?
@sashagas said:
Hello!! Tell me why I can not install the plugin
BezierSpline 1.9a. It does not appear on the toolbar, although it is installed. I can not understand what's the matter, the side plugins work.[img][img][img][img][/img][/img][/img][/img]Right-click on free space in your toolbar and check if there's BezierSpline in the drop-down list. If so, check it. If not, restart SketchUp or even your computer and check again. If it still doesn't work then I don't know.
NEW RELEASE 1.9c - 31 Jul 18
This release fixes issues related to non-ascii Windows usernames.
More info at main post
Download BezierSpline at Sketchucation Plugin Store
NEW RELEASE 2.0a - 01 Aug 18
This release fixes other issues related to non-ascii Windows usernames.
More info at main post
Download BezierSpline at Sketchucation Plugin Store
Just what I was looking for. I'm having some issues with a few of the tools. I'm in Sketchup Make 2017 and the polyline arc corners is acting odd. I click the first couple of points and then the whole line vanishes. Uniform b-spline... same. Thoughts?
Hi Fredo, thanks so much for your plugins, they are incredible.
I particularly like Bezier Spline, but I have a problem: I absolutely cannot control the "control points" when I decide to move them along the axis.
I'm working on a uniform spline, a press CTRL and then the desired arrow for the axis direction, then when I drag the point with the mouse, even a super small movement makes the point go super far. Moreover, when I move along the axis, in reality the points sticks to other points in the drawing instead of just moving along the axis. Is there any solution to this?
I hope I was clear. Thanks in advance. -
NEW RELEASE 2.1a - 01 Nov 18
This release fixes issues related to the size of toolbar icons for highDPI screens.
More info at main post
Download BezierSpline at Sketchucation Plugin Store
I just downloaded BezierSpline_v2.1a.rbz from the Plugin Store and then installed it from SU's extension manager (I have SU Make 2017 on a PC, by the way). It seems to have installed properly, but when I click on Documentation in the menu, nothing happens. So I downloaded the Quickcard and Tutorial PDFs, as well, but I don't know how to make them available from the menu (assuming they should be, of course). Are these PDFs the only documentation available, or is something missing?
@gr8dane said:
It seems to have installed properly, but when I click on Documentation in the menu, nothing happens. So I downloaded the Quickcard and Tutorial PDFs, as well, but I don't know how to make them available from the menu (assuming they should be, of course). Are these PDFs the only documentation available, or is something missing?
This is the only doc I wrote. If you put the PDF file in the Plugins directory, then it will be available from the menu.
@fredo6 said:
If you put the PDF file in the Plugins directory, then it will be available from the menu.
I placed Quickcard BezierSpline - English - v1.2.pdf and Tutorial BezierSpline - English - v1.2.pdf in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2017\SketchUp\Plugins, as you said, but still nothing happens when I click on Draw > BezierSpline curves > Documentation... .
BTW, your link to Scott Onstott's tutorial leads to a non-existent page.
@gr8dane said:
I placed Quickcard BezierSpline - English - v1.2.pdf and Tutorial BezierSpline - English - v1.2.pdf in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2017\SketchUp\Plugins, as you said, but still nothing happens when I click on Draw > BezierSpline curves > Documentation... .
Sorry, you have to put it in the bezierspline subfolder in the Sketchup Plugin directory. I forgot that bezierSpline is not based on LibFredo6
@gr8dane said:
BTW, your link to Scott Onstott's tutorial leads to a non-existent page.
Thanks for signaling. not surprising for a site which was around more than 10 years ago. I just removed the link.
@fredo6 said:
Sorry, you have to put it in the bezierspline subfolder in the Sketchup Plugin directory.
Thanks, that did the trick.
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I kindly reach you to suggest some feature for the future update of BezierSpline.- As you know there is a feature in Rhino software which you can change the point easily in 2D and 3D and it is Gumball. BezierSpline in the current version, you can change the point in the 2D position very quickly but when I wonder to change the point in 3D axes, I have some problem(Of course when I want to do it, I definitely push up arrow on my keyboard and also be in Front view). Therefore, I really wonder to ask you, would you add Gumball feature for next Update?
Note: This type of Gumball already exists in the Vertex Tool of @thomthom which can help properly but I thought if this feature will be developed by you in this awesome plugin then it will be more integration.
- The next issue is when I draw a curve in 2D, it is so hard to close automatically the curve and I have to zoom in to close it or use the plugin options(close loop nicely or closed loop with the line) which almost is not so accurate or my desirable shape. would you solve this problem?
Have the best wishes to you as one of the most prominent and most successful developers.
Hamidreza -
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I am eager to receive your feedback. Thanks in advance.Hamidreza
@reza1813 said:
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I am eager to receive your feedback. Thanks in advance.Hamidreza
Closure of Spline will come, but probably in another plugin.
@fredo6 said:
@reza1813 said:
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I am eager to receive your feedback. Thanks in advance.Hamidreza
Closure of Spline will come, but probably in another plugin.
Dear Fredo,
Thank you for all of your efforts. I am looking forward to the result of this plugin which seems to be very functional. Furthermore, concerning to the first request, would you add Gumball feature in order to change the point easily in 2D and 3D for next Update or another plugin. Thanks in advance.Yours Sincerely,