Iterations reference
wow, now that is dense
(the hidden geometry not you boo)
he he
that could have gone one of two ways.
ha ha
10-15 mins?
wow...1 guess 3 is the best for something hi-poly yet moderately speedy...
By the way what rendering system did you use? it looks good. -
I used indigo for the renders, combined with it's lovely exporter skindigo.
I know what indigo is
i use it actually, and have found it to be really quite good.(but useless without Skindigo, i might add
) what was the material
I mean, how did u make it? (just so u know, i'm not very good at the indigo material editor)
It's just a red tinted glass material, i think i turned up the opacity to aobut 15% in SU to get it a deeper red, dont think i changed anything else, although it was a while ago so i cant really remeber.
Thanks, even tho u cant remember, you have renewed my faith in Indigo
I still think that's a great mat -
This is OT, but take a look at what is coming soon to Indigo....
mmmmm, displacement mapping, im certinly looking forward to that. Any idea how long its going to be?
Yes! this is awesome! do realize that we started on subsmooth and now we're now talking about displacement maps in indigo...
agreed. tread = jacked.