Rayscaper render Living room with a cold view.
Transparency set on a surface and given a luminance. In this case.
Roughness 95%.
Lighting set to Temp, 3000k.
Power 1Watt.The only other lighting is the hdri which I have attached ^.
I wonder if you can illuminate the flames like you would in Twilight ? i.e. Flames imported as a .png image and illuminated by a number of small point lights low and in front of the image. Not sure of the lighting available in Rayscaper.
Easier to do and show rather than tell, something I never got 100%. I shall run something up and post later today, I hope.
Very nice, Mike!
Ta Bryan.
I tried the old give the taxture an illumiation quality, it failed. Used to work though but windoze updates screw most things that work. The small emitter units I never got working yet. Looking to 3d flames tbh. Painting is a pain though.
@Mike-Amos I’ve never had any luck either making the flames an emitter. Have done decent flames in the past but never in an open fireplace. Doing some testing on a model I threw together. If I get some decent results I’ll post them up. Maybe my setup might be helpful.
I can make the texture 'brighter' and give the illusion of light but that's all and depends on the quality of the transparencey. I believe the best bet would bethe image within a light which was posted on the Twilight forum but it's down now so I cannot actually reference it. Darn it.
OK, flat plane with fire texture applied.
Projector light 26" x 24" 12" behind the flat plane.
Fire texture set to 'thin curtain'.
The projector light set to project the 'flame texture, 400 x the efficacy of the light source of 100Watts.
There needs to be a certain degree of adjustment which might work.
Fed the Badgers and the cat and I am giving up for the time being, 00:30 in the AM.
OK, I am fixated on the target, checking the idea about size of the projected image. 46" x 44". I think I am right, might also need to ramp up the power some more.
56" x 54" and 200 watts, I have NOT messed with exposure and render time with the one light source was 32m which is on the long side but no doubt additional light sources will alter render times.
Something I also mucked about with is distance from projector light source tp the target plane which in this instance is 12".
It's hard to decipher what going on as it is only a rendered image. There's no spotlight values or a raw SketchUp image showing the setup.
Not a scene, just playing with 'projector light' settings in Twilight render. I might try with a full scene to see where adjustment gets me. Not very far in previous attempts.
@Mike-Amos Couldn’t help myself. Experiments with Twilight. Very quick test of the whole scene. On the dark side, didn’t want to mess in post pro just for a test. Included images showing placement of flame .png image, point lights and their values.
Mike, The testing is far from done. Need to mess about with light placement and power some more.
Mike, here’s another flame .png image you might like.
I like the render, under the weather a bit so not had the chance to chuck a proper go at this.
In this render, another image and it has three 'round' or area lights with three images turned about the centre point.
Emissions are very low, 0.1 of a watt.
@Mike-Amos Making good progress. Keep it up your heading forward. Hope you get feeling better.
Ta mate, base over apex when the cut got under my feet.........