Generic 2500teu feeder container ship
Bryan is right, the Goldilocks measure mate.
Top notch work!
This one h*** of a model.
This is just an unrealistic model.
SPot on, a master indeed.
Truly amazing work
Livery looks amazing!
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments!
Containers are complete, I tried a absolute fully loaded setup, which looked somewhat unrealistic, so I followed a typical layout from reference images, each texture was rendered individually from a custom made container, which ended up being 93 renders! the containers will not be full pbr, it will only have diffuse and AO maps
Now that the exterior is complete, I am going to move on to the bridge
a masterpiece! and in every respect a class of its own in my opinion
Wait. What? There's more to come?!
If the rest of the sim is this good, I might have to at least have a look at the demo.
Thanks guys, Mike there`s a alpha ( ) cant wait to get this ship in there!
Fitting out of the bridge is in full swing, still blocking out, made a few props here and there. There`s a whole office and kitchen of props to complete, oh and all the ships instruments and labels.
@hornoxx said:
:thumb: a masterpiece! and in every respect a class of its own in my opinion
Yes Horn0xx "masterpiece" is very well deserved. This model is more than or the equal to the best I have ever seen. Apart from that I would love to know the model size and the computer spec's it was created on.
Thanks guys, the pc im working on to create her is a 8 Core i7 5960X with a gtx1080 Aorus
After a short absence im back to working on her bridge, theres still so much to learn about this area and all its functions, I would like as much of the instrumentation to function and be in the correct consoles, so each part requires quite abit of research, would be easier if I could book a visit onboard one, but thats nearly impossible!
Looking ship shape matey
IMO the level of detail in this model is over the top.