[Plugin] follow me rotate
Houson, I have a problem
I installed Follow and rotate, checked that all files have been pasted into Plugins folder. I clicked the extension record but the plugin window didn't show up
Instead, Ruby throwed an error:
Error: #<TypeError: wrong argument type (expected Sketchup::Entity or Array of Sketchup::Entity)>
c:/users/dell/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:inadd' c:/users/dell/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:in
c:/users/dell/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2017/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:109:inblock in <main>' SketchUp:1:in
call'I preselected a face (with and then without its bounding edges, as TIG advised) and a welded path-curve but nothing happened. Adding quide point at the begining and ending of path did not help either. I read that many people had similar problem formerly but I didn't find solution in the thread.
I removed the .rbs file with _en suffix which prevented SU from splashing error on startup but still I cannot run the tool.
Einstein, see this. It doesn't work in SU2017 or SU2018 and the author would need to fix it because it is encrypted. So far the author hasn't shown any interest in fixing it, though.
hi, how to i install this rbz file to sketcup 2017? thank you
@ninja29 said:
hi, how to i install this rbz file to sketcup 2017? thank you
If you've downloaded the RBZ file to your computer, use Install Extension which will be found in Window>Extension manager. There's not much point installing this one, however. If you read my post before yours and follow the link I provided, you'll see it doesn't work in SU2017.
Go back to posts over a year ago where it's explained how to remove the incorrect RB file so that it at least loads.
However, since it's already been reported as flaky in v2017, its encrypted files might not now be fixable... -
Hi Wikii ... please help
I am using sketup2018pro
I have loaded the new file Far_v1.0
I am selecting the follow curve and then the plane (without edges)
and its giving me the following errorError: #<TypeError: wrong argument type (expected Sketchup::Entity or Array of Sketchup::Entity)>
c:/users/kamal/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:inadd' c:/users/kamal/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:in
c:/users/kamal/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:109:inblock in <main>' SketchUp:1:in
@hikamalsingh said:
Hi Wikii ... please help
I am using sketup2018pro
It's already been reported that this extension doesn't work in Su2017 or SU2018. See the previous posts in this thread regarding that. It appears that the author isn't going to update it for newer versions of SketchUp. At least they haven't yet.
As Dave says the original author hasn't supported this tool for many years.
It doesn't work in any of the newer SketchUp versions.
Under the terms of itsnotice it could be reworked and republished, but I looked at it last year and found that to make it compatible with newer SketchUp could involve so much work it might as well be rewritten from scratch !
So search for an alternative tool... -
Is the plug-in module dead? Does not work on SU 2018-2019
@maxosmedia said:
Is the plug-in module dead? Does not work on SU 2018-2019
If you read the posts above yours, you'll see that it hasn't been updated in quite a long time. Evidently the author has elected not to support it anymore.
I get this error in the ruby console:
Error: #<TypeError: wrong argument type (expected Sketchup::Entity or Array of Sketchup::Entity)>
c:/users/kasutaja/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:inadd' c:/users/kasutaja/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:42:in
c:/users/kasutaja/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/followandrotate_cn.rbs:109:inblock in <main>' SketchUp:1:in
call' -
@swick said:
I get this error in the ruby console:
If you read the last few posts in this thread you would know that this plugin hasn't been updated in years. It appears the author no longer supports it.
What plugin would be suggested to replace Follow me rotate for the newer versions of SU that would follow a bezier curved line?
Helix along curve ?
(can't test on the new versions -
I'll give that a try. Thanks
hello, when I install the Follow me and rotate plugin and open sketchup it gives me Error: SketchUp: 1: in `eval 'and the extension doesn't work. how can i use it?
@andrea1980 said:
how can i use it?
You'd need an old version of SketchUp. If you read a few posts up from yours you will see this plugin does not work with SketchUp 2017. It hasn't been supported for years. Best thing is to look for a different tool to do what you want.
do you know a plugin that has the same follow me and rotate functions for sketchup 2017?
Again, if you read the last few posts in this thread you can see that Pilou offered a possible alternative. There may be something else that could do what you are trying to do but you haven't told us that, yet. You could start a new thread in the Newbie category, share your model file and describe what it is you are trying to accomplish. We'll surely be able to give you guidance.